Agilent Technologies 6834B Pacemaker User Manual

Firmware Revisions
The model number and then the firmware revision is displayed on the front panel for approximately l0 seconds when unit is
first turned on. The firrnware revision is also accessible via the GPIB using the *IDN? query. The following sample
AgilentBASIC program does this.
10 ALLOCATE L$[52]
20 OUTPUT 705;"*IDN?"
30 ENTER 705;L$
40 DISP L$
50 END
The computer will display the string "HEWLETT-PACKARD,<model >,0,<revision>".
ROM Replacement or ROM Update
Instruments that are being initialized for the first time or have suffered non-volatile memory corruption should be initialized
with the front panel EEINIT command. To initialize the unit, perform the following:
1. Turn the unit on, then do the front panel CAL ON command.
2. Press 0 and 9 keys simultaneously. EEINIT <m odel> should now be displayed.
3. Scroll to the correct model number and press ENTER.
If the command is successful, the front panel display will go through a normal power-on sequence.
It is possible to update to newer ROM versions without destroying the calibration data. To update the unit to newer ROM
revisions, perform the following.
1. Turn input power off, remove the old ROMs and install the new ROMS.
2. Turn the unit on, then do the front panel CAL ON command.
3. Press 0 and 9 keys simultaneously, then scroll to the ROMUPD command.
4. Scroll to the correct model number and press ENTER.
If the command is successful, the front panel display will go through a normal power-on sequence. If "OUT OF RANGE"
error is displayed, then the instrument will have to be re-initialized with the EEINIT command and re-calibrated. This can
occur if the instrument was previously initialized with a QA firmware revision ( QA.xx.xx ), or if non-volatile memory has
become corrupted for any reason.