
EM-422 User’s Guide
Published by ZyXEL Communications Corporation. All rights reserved.
ZyXEL does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any
products, or software described herein. Neither does it convey any license
under its patent rights nor the patent rights of others. ZyXEL further reserves
the right to make changes in any products described herein without notice. This
publication is subject to change without notice.
ZyNOS (ZyXEL Network Operating System) is a registered trademark of ZyXEL
Communications, Inc. Other trademarks mentioned in this publication are used
for identification purposes only and may be properties of their respective
Customer Support
Please have the following information ready when you contact customer
Product model and serial number.
Warranty Information.
Date that you received your device.
Brief description of the problem and the steps you took to solve it.
“+” is the (prefix) number you dial to make an international telephone call.
Corporate Headquarters (Worldwide)
Support E-mail: support@zyxel.com.tw
Sales E-mail: sales@zyxel.com.tw
Telephone: +886-3-578-3942
Fax: +886-3-578-2439
Web: www.zyxel.com, www.europe.zyxel.com
FTP: ftp.zyxel.com, ftp.europe.zyxel.com
Regular Mail: ZyXEL Communications Corp., 6 Innovation Road II, Science
Park, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan
Costa Rica
Support E-mail: soporte@zyxel.co.cr
Sales E-mail: sales@zyxel.co.cr
Telephone: +506-2017878
Fax: +506-2015098
Web: www.zyxel.co.cr
FTP: ftp.zyxel.co.cr
Regular Mail: ZyXEL Costa Rica, Plaza Roble Escazú, Etapa El Patio, Tercer
Piso, San José, Costa Rica