Creating a Virtual Server or a
Do I need to create a virtual server or DMZ?
By default, your modem uses NAT to hide your computers from
users on the Internet; however, there may be times when you want
to allow access by outside users to a computer on your network.
For instance, you would want to allow access if a computer in your
network is hosting Internet games or running a web server. For
more information about the Virtual Server/DMZ feature and the
differences between a virtual server and a DMZ, see page
77. For
information about setting up a Virtual Server or DMZ for gaming,
Setting Up the X6v for Online Gaming on page 73.
Here is a picture of the Virtual Server/DMZ page:
Click the Add Virtual Server/DMZ link to open the Add Virtual
Server/DMZ page:
The following table shows you the values you can enter. After you
enter the value, click Save Changes, then Write Settings to
ADSL X6v User Guide