© Copyright 2007 Zoeller Co. All rights reserved.
Electrical Data for Zoeller Effl uent Turbine Pumps
Locked Fuse/Circuit Winding
Maximum Rotor KVA Breaker Amps Re sis tance
HP Volts Phase Hz S.F. Amps Watts Amps Code Std. Delay Line to Line
Major Components
1. Submersible Effl uent Turbine Pump - A submersible ef fl u ent
tur bine pump is a multistage centrifugal design pump. Each stage
con sists of an impeller and diffuser. Water pres sure in creas es in
equal amounts as it passes from stage to stage. The more stag es,
the higher the pressure the pump will de vel op.
To correctly select a pump for a specifi c application, the fol low ing
information must be known:
• The amount of discharge required in GPM or LPM
• The total dynamic head required in feet or meters
Use this information along with the performance data found on the
previous page to make your selection.
2. Control Panel - Submersible effl uent turbine pumps re quire the
use of an above ground control panel or junction box with a pump
control switch for proper op er a tion. Op er a tion of these pumps
without a control pan el or junction box with a pump control switch
can result in failure of the pump and void the war ran ty.
3. Float Switches - All submersible effl uent turbine pumps are
non au to mat ic. The use of fl oat switches are required for the proper
operation of the pump. Operation of these pumps without fl oat
switch es can result in failure of the pump and void the warranty.
A minimum of two float switches should be used in each
ap pli ca tion:
• A pump control fl oat switch
• A high water alarm fl oat switch
4. Piping - The submersible effl uent turbine pump can be in stalled
with schedule 40 PVC pipe. The pipe size should be 1¼” diameter
for the 11 GPM to 27 GPM pump series and 2” diameter for the 35
GPM pump series.
General piping from the pump to a splitter, distribution box, drain
fi eld etc., should be the same diameter as stat ed above. For long
pipe runs consult friction loss tables for correct pipe sizing.
5. Check Valve - A check valve is required in all duplex sys tems. It is
also required when a large amount of effl uent can backfl ush into the
system causing rapid cycling of the pump.
A 1/8” weep hole must be drilled in the side of the discharge
head when using a check valve (see drawing below for drill
1/2 115 1 60 1.6 12 970 64.4 R 30 15 1.0 - 1.3
1/2 230 1 60 1.6 6 970 32.2 R 15 8 4.2 - 5.2
3/4 230 1 60 1.5 8 1325 40.7 N 20 10 3.0 - 3.6
1 230 1 60 1.4 9.8 1600 48.7 N 25 11 2.2 - 2.7
1 1/2 230 1 60 1.3 13.1 2250 56.8 L 35 15 1.5 - 1.9
2 230 1 60 1.25 Y 13.2 2650 51.0 G 30 15 1.6 - 2.3 M
B 11.9 5.2 - 7.15 S
R 2.6
3 230 1 60 1.15 Y 14.0 3650 82.0 G 45 20 .9 - 1.5 M
B 14.5 3.0 - 4.9 S
R 4.5