Printer Configuration and Adjustment
Adjust Ribbon Tension
P1048261-004 8/22/12
Adjust Ribbon Tension
For the printer to operate correctly, the ribbon supply spindle and ribbon take-up spindle must
use the same tension setting (normal or low tension). Use the normal tension setting
(Figure 12) for most applications. If you are using narrow ribbon or experience certain ribbon
issues, you may need to lower the ribbon tension (Figure 13).
Normal Tension Setting To place the ribbon spindles in the normal position, firmly pull
out each spindle end cap until it extends and clicks in place, as shown in Figure 12. Use this
setting for most applications.
Figure 12 • Normal Tension Setting (Spindle End Caps Pulled Out)
Low Tension Setting To place a spindle in the low-tension position, firmly push in the
end cap until it retracts and clicks in place, as shown in Figure 13. Use this setting only when
necessary, such as if the ribbon causes scuff marks at the beginning of a roll or if normal
tension causes the ribbon to stall at the end of the roll.
Figure 13 • Ribbon Spindles— Low Tension Setting
(Spindle End Caps Pushed In)