980541-001 Rev. A P640i Card Printer User Guide 43
Horizontal Offset
Override Defaults: This is to prevent accidental
modification of the offset number, which should not
need attention in regular use.
Horizontal (X) Offset (Pixels: Adjusts where the
printer starts looking for a mag stripe. It is a manual
fine tuning of the value determined by the Mag
Position Adjust routine. It is intended only for testing
and diagnosis.
Start > Printers (or Printers and Faxes) > Right click
Zebra P640i > Properties > Device Settings > Printer
Adjustment > Advanced Adjust
Magnetic Encoding Preferences
Start > Printers > Right click Zebra P640i > Printing
Preferences > Magnetic Encoding
Encoding choices and track layout
Mag Encoder Verify On
If this box is checked, every card is run twice under
the read/write head. The first pass writes the code, and
second reads it to check for accuracy and readability.
Any card not passing this test is ejected through the
laminator without printing. Verification adds only 3
seconds to the processing time per card, and is
recommended for all applications not calling for the
highest possible throughput.
Bit by Bit Encoding
This is used only in applications calling for a custom
designed encoding format. Call Zebra tech support for
more information.
Enable EIN Reedback
Applicable only in applications using cards with pre-
en-coded (“embedded”) inventory numbers.
ISO format AAMVA format
Data Type Length* Data Type Length*
210 Characters 76 Characters 79
75 Numerals 37 Numerals 37
210 Numerals 104 Characters 79
* Not including start sentinel, end sentinel, or LRC characters