Text Commands
P1003638-003 TTP 8000 Technical Manual 10/19/2009
Sends one line of dot data. This command is used to build images, one dot line at a time by the
printer driver and should not be combined with text commands.
Data Compression
The Windows drivers use line based compression to decrease the time it takes to transfer
graphics data to the printer.
ESC s n1 data
Send Dot-Line, 203 dpi
1B 73 n1 Data Hex
27 115 n1 Data Decimal
n Determines the number of bytes. Range: 1-255.
<data> 1 – x bytes, where x is the printhead width in bytes. The printhead width is in the
spec. of the printer.
Example • 58 mm printers use 48 bytes
Example • 80 mm printers use 72 bytes
Example • 112 mm printers use 104 bytes
Example • A4 and Letter-size printers use 216 bytes
Caution • Always send the No. of bytes that you specify!
If more than the specified No. of bytes are received, the rest of the bytes will be interpreted as
text or commands. This can cause any kind of problems in the printer as graphics data can
contain any hex value.
If you specify less data then the actual printhead width, the printer will fill the rest of the dot
line with spaces.
<ESC>s<0><0> or <ESC>l<0><0><0> disables compression
<ESC>s<0><1> or <ESC>l<0><0><1>
enables compression