Status Light Descriptions
P1055866-001 TTP 2030™ Windows CE Software Integrator Guide 4/14/2013
Three Red Flashes 3 - Out of Paper This code indicates that the selected
EOP sensor has detected no media
present. This value is signaled when
the mark engine has detected a mark
larger than "TOF marker length” plus
5mm, or when the A/D reading of the
EOP sensor drops below the “End of
paper threshold”. This error is cleared
after successful media load (either via
calibration or via regular media load).
Four Red Flashes 4 - Print Head Lifted This code indicates that the print head
has been lifted. This error is cleared
by returning the print head to its
locked position.
Five Red Flashes 5 - Paper Feed Error This code indicates that the paper
failed to reach the presenter sensor
within the expected amount of time.
The error is signaled if the media does
not reach the presenter sensor after
feeding the length from the cutter to
the sensor plus 15mm. This error is
cleared by opening and closing the
print head, or by cycling power off and
Yellow Flashing 6 - Head Temperature
This code indicates that the print head
has exceeded the maximum permitted
temperature. This status code is set
when the print head temperature
exceeds 65° C (149° F). When this
condition occurs, the printer feeds
100mm (4 inches) of blank media,
cuts, and presents. This error is
cleared automatically when the print
head temperature falls below 55° C
(131° F).
Rapid Amber
Firmware missing or
This code indicates that the bootware
has detected an incorrect or missing
checksum in the firmware. This error is
cleared when the firmware is reloaded
or updated. Refer to the TTP 2000
Series Technical Manual for firmware
upload procedure.
Table 1 • LED States