
Peel-Off Mode
1. Unlatch the top cover by pressing the two green release levers (refer to
Figure 10). Then, lift the top cover to expose the media compartment.
2. Insert one end of the media hanger into one of the media supply guides
(refer to Figure 11).
3. Place the roll of media onto the media hanger.
4. Place the second media supply guide onto the other end of the media
hanger (refer to Figure 11).
NOTES: The media roll must be centered on the media hanger.
The media roll should rest against the smooth side of the media
supply guides. The textured side marked “outshould face the
outside of the printer. The media supply guides should just touch
the edges of the roll of media; they must not cause pressure or
excessive drag on the media roll.
5. Place the media roll in the top cover (refer to Figure 12).
6. Release the printhead by pulling the printhead release lever toward you
(refer to Figure 12, “1).
7. Lift the printhead (refer to Figure 12, 2) until you feel it lockinto
place. Be careful not to force the printhead past this position!
Figure 10