FM60-2105 Operator’s Manual Registration Information
888-249-4855 • www.ZebraSkimmers.com • Zebra Skimmers Corporation Page 1
Zebra Skimmers Corp. MIX05120
Copyright 2008
Zebra Skimmers Corp.
PO Box 833
Chagrin Falls, OH 44022
Printed in the USA • Revised February 2008
Zebra Economy Mixer Manual
Package Contains:
1. Drum proportioner
2. Suction tube (4 ft.) with foot valve
3. Discharge tube (4 ft.) max length
for delivery
WEAR protective clothing and eyewear when dispensing chemicals or other materials.
ALWAYS observe safety and handling instructions of the chemical manufacturers.
ALWAYS direct discharge away from you or other persons or into approved containers.
ALWAYS dispense cleaners and chemicals in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Exercise CAUTION when maintaining your equipment.
CLEAN equipment after each use in accordance with instruction sheet.
WEAR protective clothing and eyewear when working in the vicinity of all chemicals, lling or emptying equipment or changing metering tips.
ALWAYS re-assemble equipment according to instruction procedures. Be sure all components are rmly screwed or latched into position.
ATTACH only to tap water outlets (75 PSI maximum).
Installation and Operation:
1. Select a metering tip (see next section), and insert it into the suction stub. Slide the open end of the suction tube through the
bung adaptor, then over the suction stub.
2. Slide end of discharge tube over the eductor discharge outlet.
3. Remove either the 3/4 or 2-inch bung from an upright drum.
4. Insert the foot valve end of the suction tube into the drum.
5. Swivel the drum adapter several turns in the bung opening until the bracket is secure.
6. Install minimum 1/2-inch ID water hose between the inlet swivel and water supply spigot. (Minimum 25 PSI owing water
pressure is required to operate the unit.)
7. Turn on water supply. To begin dispensing solution, open ball valve at inlet to unit. Do not keep discharge hose in liquid! The
concentrate will siphon from the container.
Metering Tip Selection:
The nal concentration of the dispensed liquid is related to both the size of the metering tip opening (orice) and the
viscosity of the liquid being siphoned. If product viscosity is noticeably greater than that of water, consult the procedure for
Measurement of Concentration on the next page to achieve your desired water-to-product ratio. For waterthin products, use
the chart below as a guideline. Because such factors as inlet water pressure and temperature can affect dilution ratios, the
gures listed below are only approximate. Test the actual dilution you are achieving using the Measurement of Concentration
procedure for best results. Two undrilled, clear tips are supplied for drilling sizes not listed.
Please use this equipment carefully and observe all warnings and cautions.
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Decimal Approximate Dilution Ratio at
Tip Color Drill Size Equivellent 40 PSI, water-thin viscosity (1.0 cp)
No tip 4.5:1 or 22.2%
Gray 30 .1285 5:1 20.0
Black 40 .0980 6:1 16.6
Beige 50 .0700 9:1 11.1
Red 55 .0520 20:1 5.0
White 57 .0430 24:1 4.16
Blue 60 .0400 26:1 3.84
Tan 65 .0350 31:1 3.23
Green 70 .0280 50:1 2.0
Orange 72 .0250 70:1 1.43
Brown 74 .0225 90:1 1.11
Yellow 76 .0200 100:1 1.0
Purple 80 .0135 200:1 .50
Pink 87 .0100 400:1 .25
4. Metering tip kit (14 tips)
5. Product information sheet