Site Requirements
CAUTION: To insure that the printer has proper ventilation and cooling,
do not place any padding or cushioning material under the unit, because
this restricts air flow.
This printer may be installed on any solid, level surface of sufficient size
and strength to accommodate the physical dimensions and weight of the
unit. The area enclosure in which the printer will operate must meet the
environmental conditions specified. Electrical power must be available and in
close proximity to the printer.
Since this printer was designed and is fabricated as an industrial-type unit, it
will function satisfactorily in areas such as warehouses, factory floors, and
office environments that conform to specified environmental and electrical
Introduction to Printers
The first thing you want to do is identify your printer. This makes certain
tasks -- such as media loading -- much easier to do!
If your printer
looks like this
(Figure 1), it is
set up for
Tear-Off mode.
Tear-Off allows
you to tear away
each label, or a
strip of labels,
after it is
To load media,
refer to
“Loading the
Media --
Tear-Off Mode”
in Getting Ready
to Print.
2 S400 & S600 User’s Guide
Figure 1