Printer Diagnostics
11342L Re v. 8 6/4/2004 105SL User Guide 89
FEED and PAUSE Self Test
Performing this self test temporarily resets the printer configuration to the factory default
values. These values are active only until power is turned off unless you save them
permanently in memory.
To perform a FEED and PAUSE self test, complete these steps:
1. Turn Off (O) the printe r.
2. Press and hold FEED and PAUSE while turning th e power On (I). Hold FEED and
PAUSE until the DATA light t urns off.
No labels print at the end of this test.
This test is controlled from the front panel display (see COMMUNICATIONS on page 52).
Figure 49 shows a typical printout from this test. Turn off the power to exit this self test and
return to normal operation.
Figure 49 • Communications Diagnostics Test Label
Additional Printer Diagnostics
Additional diagnostic tests are available for this printer. See the Maintenance Manual for
information about these additional tests.
Note • The communications test label prints upside-down.