February 3, 1999
2-2-1. DSP Command
The following shows the list of DSP Commands that are supported by the SB Pro engine. Both SB and
SB Pro commands are supported.
CMD Support Function
10h o 8bit direct mode single byte digitized sound output
14h o 8bit single-cycle DMA mode digitized sound output
16h 8bit to 2bit ADPCM single-cycle DMA mode digitized sound output
17h 8bit to 2bit ADPCM single-cycle DMA mode digitized sound output with ref. byte
1Ch o 8bit auto-init DMA mode digitized sound output
1Fh 8bit to 2bit ADPCM auto-init DMA mode digitized sound output with ref. byte
20h(*1) o 8bit direct mode single byte digitized sound input
24h(*1) o 8bit single-cycle DMA mode digitized sound input
2Ch(*1) o 8bit auto-init DMA mode digitized sound input
30h o Polling mode MIDI input
31h o Interrupt mode MIDI input
34h o UART polling mode MIDI I/O
35h o UART interrupt mode MIDI I/O
36h(*2) o UART polling mode MIDI I/O with time stamping
37h(*2) o UART interrupt mode MIDI I/O with time stamping
38h o MIDI output
40h o Set digitized sound transfer Time Constant
48h o Set DSP block transfer size
74h o 8bit to 4bit ADPCM single-cycle DMA mode digitized sound output
75h o 8bit to 4bit ADPCM single-cycle DMA mode digitized sound output with ref. byte
76h 8bit to 3bit ADPCM single-cycle DAM mode digitized sound output
77h 8bit to 3bit ADPCM single-cycle DMA mode digitized sound output with ref. byte
7Dh o 8bit to 4bit ADPCM auto-init DMA mode digitized sound output with ref. byte
7Fh 8bit to 3bit ADPCM auto-init DMA mode digitized sound output with ref. byte
80h o Pause DAC for a duration
90h o 8bit high-speed auto-init DMA mode digitized sound output
91h o 8bit high-speed single-cycle DMA mode digitized sound output
98h(*1) o 8bit high-speed auto-init DMA mode digitized sound input
99h(*1) o 8bit high-speed single-cycle DMA mode digitized sound input
A0h(*1) o Set input mode to mono
A8h(*1) o Set input mode to stereo
D0h o Pause 8bit DMA mode digitized sound I/O
D1h(*3) o Turn on speaker
D3h(*3) o Turn off speaker
D4h o Continue 8bit DMA mode digitized sound I/O
D8h o Get speaker status
DAh o Exit 8bit auto-init DMA mode digitized sound I/O
E1h o Get DSP version number
(*1) The SB Block responds correctly to the commands for recording and also executes the DMA transfer.
80h is always transferred.
(*2) Only output is supported for this command.
(*3) This command only changes Speaker Status (D8h).
Undocumented commands other than the ones listed above are also supported.