Replenishing the battery fluid
A poorly maintained battery will corrode and dis-
charge quickly. The battery fluid should be
checked at least once a month.
1. The level should be between the maximum
and minimum level marks. Use only dis-
tilled water if refilling is necessary.
1. Maximum level mark 2. Minimum level mark
3. Negative lead 4. Positive lead
2. Disconnect the negative (–) lead.
3. Disconnect the positive (+) lead, and then
remove the battery.
Normal tap water contains minerals which
are harmful to a battery. Therefore, refill only
with distilled water.
4. When the machine is not to be used for a
month or longer, remove the battery and
store it in a cool, dark place. Completely
recharge the battery before using.
5. If the battery is to be stored for a longer
period than the above, check the specific
gravity at least once a month and recharge
the battery when it is too low.
6. Always make sure the connections are cor-
rect when putting the battery back in the
machine. Make sure the breather hose is
properly connected and is not damaged or
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