■ SELECTING THE DRUM KITS - The currently selected drum kit will depend on
which pattern is chosen, since each Preset pattern uses a specific drum kit.
There are 16 drum kits in all—12 Preset kits (#00 ~ #11) and 4 User drum
kits (#12 ~ #15). When you enter Drum Kit Mode, the word “SELECT”, along
with the name of the currently selected drum kit, displays in the lower left
area of the LCD. The flashing cursor will be positioned over the word “KIT”,
and next to it the number of the currently selected drum kit (00 ~ 15) will be
displayed. To select a different drum kit, press [-1] and [+1].
When shipped, the Preset drum kits #00 ~ #03 are assigned to User drum kits #12 ~ #15, respectively.
For a listing of the 16 drum kits and their respective drum pad voice assignments, see page 84. For a
listing of the 128 drum voices, see page 82.
modifications to User drum kits only, so if you want to change a Preset drum
kit, you must first copy it to a User drum kit location. To do so, first, select
the Preset drum kit you want to copy. Then, hold [MODE] and press [PAGE+]
several times to access the Kit Copy function. The words “COPY SURE?” will
appear in the lower left area of the LCD. Press [-1] and [+1] to select the
destination User kit (#12 ~ #15). Then, press [ENTER] to copy the currently
selected kit to the designated User drum kit location.