SCMS copy protection
As a digital audio component, this CD recorder conforms
with the Serial Copy Management System (SCMS)
standards. The Serial Copy Management System restricts
copies made by recording digital signals to first
generation copies only. Therefore, a CD disc recorded
using a DIGITAL IN jack cannot be used as a source for
making another digital recording. However, subsequent
recordings can be made from the first generation copy by
using the ANALOG jacks.
There are three general rules that apply to this unit.
Rule 1
You can record digital program sources onto a recordable
CD disc using a DIGITAL IN jack to create a first
generation digital copy. You cannot, however, record
from this recorded CD disc to another recordable CD disc
using a DIGITAL IN jack.
Rule 2
You can record a digital signal input from a digital
satellite broadcast onto a recordable CD disc using a
DIGITAL IN jack. If the broadcast does not contain a
copyright protection code, you can then record the
contents of this recorded CD disc (first generation) onto
other digital recording media to create a second
generation digital copy (these copies may also be copied
digitally). Note, however, that if the broadcast contains a
copyright protection code, second generation digital
copying will not be possible.
Rule 3
A CD disc that was recorded using the ANALOG jacks
can be recorded onto other digital recording media using a
DIGITAL OUT jack to create a first generation digital
copy. You cannot, however, make a second generation
copy using a DIGITAL OUT jack.