Congratulations on your purchase of the Yamaha XT225/XT225C. This model is the result of
Yamaha’s vast experience in the production of fine sporting, touring, and pacesetting racing
machines. It represents the high degree of craftsmanship and reliability that have made Yamaha a
leader in these fields.
This manual will give you an understanding of the operation, inspection, and basic maintenance of
this motorcycle. If you have any questions concerning the operation or maintenance of your motorcy-
cle, please consult a Yamaha dealer.
The design and manufacture of this Yamaha motorcycle fully comply with the emissions standards
for clean air applicable at the date of manufacture. Yamaha has met these standards without reduc-
ing the performance or economy of operation of the motorcycle. To maintain these high standards, it
is important that you and your Yamaha dealer pay close attention to the recommended maintenance
schedules and operating instructions contained within this manual.
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