MU128 Plug-in System
Setting Part Assign from an External MIDI Device
The Part Assign parameter can also be set from an external MIDI de-
vice by using the system exclusive message given below.
F0 43 1n 4C 70 PBtype Serial# Part# F7 (hexadecimal)
n: Device number (of the MU128)
PBtype: Indicates the type of XG Plug-in board. For example, the
PLG100-DX is “2.”
Serial#: This number distinguishes individual boards when more than
one of the same type XG Plug-in board are installed. For one
board, this is set to “0”; when two of the same type boards are
installed, use “0” and “1.”
Part#: Part Assign number for the XG Plug-in board.
Range: 00 (Part 1) - 0F (Part 16)
7F turns Part Assign off
Example: When assigning the first PLG100-DX board to Part 3, the
message should be:
F0 43 10 4C 70 02 00 02 F7 (hexadecimal)
Selecting Voices of an XG Plug-in board
Once an installed XG Plug-in board has been properly assigned to a
Part with Part Assign and the assigned Part has been selected, the board
can be selected by using the [SELECT</>] buttons. (The appro-
priate LED PLG-1 - PLG-3 flashes.) The selected board is also indi-
cated in the display by its corresponding icon.
Once the board is selected in this way, you can select and play its
Voices in the normal way.
• Unlike the Voices of the MU128 itself, XG Plug-in board Voices are not as-
signed to all the available program numbers, and many of the program num-
bers are “empty” with no assigned Voices. When such a program number is
selected, “Silence” is shown in the display and the Part does not sound.
• When selecting XG Plug-in board Voices by using the Voice Category buttons,
certain categories may not be available (depending on the board), and the
category name may not match with the type of Voice actually selected. The
original Voices of the board which are not included in the XG format are
assigned to the Model excl. button.
XG Plug-in board Voices can be also selected from an external MIDI device by
specifying the appropriate bank select MSB (control change #0), bank select
LSB (control change #32) and program change messages.
About Plug-in System