1.2.16 NRPN (Non-registered parameter number)
This is a message for setting the sound for things like vibrato, filter or EG. Use
NRPN MSB and NRPN LSB to specify the parameter that you wish to modify,
and then use Data Entry (see 1.2.4) to set the value for the specified parameter.
Control# Parameter Data Range
98 NRPN LSB 0...127
99 NPRN MSB 0...127
If the Multi Part parameter Rcv NRPN = OFF, that part will not receive
The following NRPN messages can be received.
The AC1 control change number is specified by the Multi Part parameter ACl
CONTROLLER NUMBER, and the AC2 control change number is specified
by the Multi Part parameter AC2 CONTROLLER NUMBER.
1.3 Channel mode messages
These messages specify the basic operation of a part.
1.3.1 All Sound Off
This message silences all notes being played on the corresponding channel.
However, channel messages such as Note-on and Hold-on will be maintained in
their present state.
Control# Parameter Data Range
120 All Sound Off 0
1.3.2 Reset All Controllers
This message changes the settings of the following controllers.
Controller Value
Pitch bend change ±0 (Center)
Channel pressure 0 (OFF)
Polyphonic key pressure 0 (OFF)
Modulation 0 (OFF)
Expression 127 (Max.)
Hold 0 (OFF)
Portamento 0 (OFF)
Sostenuto 0 (OFF)
RPN Number unset, internal data is not affected.
NRPN Number unset, internal data is not affected.
The following data is not changed
Parameter values specified for program change, bank select MSB/LSB, vol-
ume, pan, effect send levels 1, 3, 4, RPN and NRPN.
Control# Parameter Data Range
Reset All Controllers
1.3.3 All Note Off
This message turns off all notes which are currently on for the corresponding
However, if Hold 1 or Sostenuto are on, notes will continue to sound until these
are turned off.
Control# Parameter Data Range
123 All Note Off 0
1.3.4 Omni Off
Works the same as when All Note Off is received.
Control# Parameter Data Range
124 Omni Off 0
1.3.5 Omni On
Works the same as when All Note Off is received.
Control# Parameter Data Range
125 Omni On 0
1.3.6 Mono
Works the same as when All Sound Off is received, and if the value (mono
number) is in the range of 0... 16, sets the corresponding channel to Mode4*
(m = 1).
Control# Parameter Data Range
126 Mono 0 ... 16
* Mode4 is a state in which only channel messages on the specified channel will
be received, and notes will be played individually (monophonically).
1.3.7 Poly
Works the same as when All Sound Off is received, and sets the corresponding
channel to Mode3*.
Control# Parameter Data Range
127 Poly 0
*Mode3 is when channel messages will be received only on the specified chan-
nel, and notes will be sounded polyphonically.
1.4 Program change
This message is used to switch voices.
It changes the program number on the receiving channel. When the change is to
include the voice bank, transmit the program change after sending the Bank
Select message (see 1.2.1).
If the Multi Part parameter Rcv PROGRAM CHANGE = OFF, that part will not
receive program changes.
1.5 Pitch bend
This message conveys information on pitch bend operations.
Basically, this message is for changing the pitch of a part, but the depth of the
following five effects can be controlled.
The effect of this message can be modified by the following parameters.
*1 See 1.2.4
*2 “–” means that the set value will be ignored.
*3 Adjusts the time after the note is played until vibrato begins to take effect.
The effect will begin more quickly for lower values, and more slowly for higher
1.2.17 RPN (Registered parameter number)
This message is used to specify part parameters such as Pitch Bend Sensitivity
or Tuning. Use RPN MSB and RPN LSB to specify the parameter that you wish
to modify, and then use Data Entry (see 1.2.4) to set the value of the specified
Control# Parameter Data Range
100 RPN LSB 0 ... 127
101 RPN MSB 0 ... 127
If the Multi Part parameter Rcv RPN = OFF, that part will not receive this
The following RPN messages can be received.
*1 Refer to 1.2.4
*2 “–” means that the set value will be ignored.
1.2.18 Assignable controller
By assigning a control change number of 0...95 to a part, application of ef-
fects can be controlled. This device allows two control change numbers (AC1
and AC2) to be specified for each part.
The following parameters specify the effect of AC1 and AC2:
* Multi Part Parameter
RPN Data Entry *1 Parameter name and value range
00 00H mm —*2 Pitch bend sensitivity
mm: 00-18H (0...+24 semitones)
Specify up to 2 octaves in semitone steps
00 01H mm ll Fine tuning
mm ll: 00H 00H -100 cents
mm 11: 40H 00H 0 cents
mm ll: 7FH 7FH +100 cents
Note: The next after mm 11: 00H 7FH (= -87.5) cent
is 01H 00H (-87.4) cents.
00H 02H mm — Coarse tuning
mm: 28H - 40H - 58H (-24...0...+24
7FH 7FH — — RPN Null
This empties settings from RPN and NRPN numbers.
Internal data is not affected.
NRPN Data Entry*1 Parameter Name and Data Range
01H 08H mm — *2 Vibrato rate
mm: 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64 ...0...+63)
01H 09H mm — Vibrato depth
mm: 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64 ...0...+63)
01H 0AH mm — *3 Vibrato delay
mm: 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64 ...0...+63)
01H 20H mm — Low pass filter cutoff frequency
mm: 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64 ...0...+63)
01H 21H mm — Low pass filter resonance
mm: 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64 ...0...+63)
01H 24H mm — High pass filter cutoff frequency
mm: 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64 ...0...+63)
01H 30H mm — EQ bass gain
mm: 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64 ...0...+63)
01H 31H mm — EQ treble gain
mm: 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64 ...0...+63)
01H 34H mm — EQ bass frequency
mm: 04H - 28H (32 ... 2.0K [Hz])
01H 35H mm — EQ treble frequency
mm: 1CH - 3AH (500 ... 16.0K [Hz])
01H 63H mm — EG Attack Time
mm: 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64 ...0...+63)
01H 64H mm — EG Decay Time
mm: 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64 ...0...+63)
01H 66H mm — EG Release Time
mm: 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64 ...0...+63)