Wind & Lip Sensor Adjustment
Lip Zero & Lip Gain Adjustment
The WX5 lip sensor translates lip pressure applied to
the WX5 reed to MIDI pitch bend data. Greater lip pres-
sure raises the pitch. In the Tight Lip mode, however, the
range of pitch variation which can be produced via lip
pressure is much smaller than that which can be produced
via the Pitch Bend Wheel. The adjustment procedures
for the Tight Lip and Loose Lip modes are different, so
use the adjustment procedure which is appropriate for
the playing mode you have chosen.
When Flute fingering is selected use the Loose Lip
adjustment procedure (the Tight/Loose Lip settings have
no effect on playability when Flute fingering is selected).
Tight Lip Mode Adjustment Procedure
Select a voice on your tone generator.
Play a note while applying normal lip pressure to the
WX5 reed.
Watch the LED1 indicator and, if it is lit, adjust the
LIP ZERO control so that it just goes out.
Using a small screwdriver, adjust the LIP GAIN con-
trol for optimum lip sensitivity. Rotating the control
clockwise increases sensitivity.
Repeat steps 2 through 4 as many times as necessary
until the lip zero and lip gain are set satisfactorily.
• Lip sensor adjustments can only be made with the reed
(saxophone type) mouthpiece.
Loose Lip Mode Adjustment Procedure
Play a note while applying no lip pressure to the WX5
reed and confirm that the LED 1 indicator is not lit. If
it is lit, adjust the LIP ZERO control so that it just
goes out.
Select a voice on your tone generator.
Beginning with no pressure applied to the reed, play a
note and gradually increase your lip pressure.
Adjust the LIP ZERO control so that the pitch begins
to change at the desired point as lip pressure is in-
Using a small screwdriver, adjust the LIP GAIN con-
trol for optimum lip sensitivity. Rotating the control
clockwise increases sensitivity.
* When the Flute fingering is selected (page 12), adjust LIP GAIN
so that normal pitch is produced when the reed is completely
open, and so that the pitch shifts up one octave when appropri-
ate lip pressure is applied.
• Please note that sensitivity is greater when the loose
lip mode is selected.
Repeat steps 3 through 5 as many times as necessary
until the lip zero and lip gain are set satisfactorily.
• For some players it might be better to adjust for lip
zero when a slight amount of pressure is applied to
the reed. Adjust for the playing feel that best suits your