2.4 XG bulk dump format
F0 43 0n 4C bb bb aa aa aa dd ... dd cc F7
This message sends and receives parameters from tables 1 and 2 as independent blocks (parameters are combined as a TOTAL SIZE unit).
n : device number
bb : byte count (dd...dd)
aa : address (only top of parameters in TABLE1 and 2 can be selected)
dd : data
cc : check sum (Adds bb, aa, dd and cc which sets the resulting lower 7 bytes to 0.)
2.5 XG dump request format
F0 43 2n 4C aa aa aa F7
This message sends a bulk dump in response to a send request for each parameter block from table 2 (parameters are combined as a TOTAL SIZE unit).
n : device number
aa : address (only top of parameters in TABLE1 can be selected)
2.6 XG parameter request format
F0 43 3n 4C aa aa aa F7
This message sends parameter changes after receiving a send request for a parameter unit from table 1.
n : device number
aa : address
2.7 Chord control code
F0 43 7E 02 cr ct 7F 7F F7
For Chordal mode, this is used to specify the chord.
The chord can also be specified by Note-on messages.
cr : chord root (0fffnnnn)
fff : Accidental nnnn : Note
0:bbb 0 : reserved
1:bb 1:C
2:b 2:D
3 : natural 3 : E
4:# 4:F
5:## 5:G
6:### 6:A
ct : chord type
0 : Maj
1 : Maj6
2 : Maj7
3 : Maj7(#11)
4 : Maj(9)
5 : Maj7(9)
6 : Maj6(9)
7 : aug
8 : min
9 : min6
0A : min7
0B : min7b5
0C : min(9)
0D : min7(9)
0E : min7(11)
0F : minMaj7
10 : minMaj7(9)
11 : dim
12 : dim7
13 : 7th
14 : 7sus4
15 : 7b5
16 : 7(9)
17 : 7(#11)
18 : 7(13)
19 : 7(b9)
1A : 7(b13)
1B : 7(#9)
1C : Maj7aug
1D : 7aug
1E : 1+8
1F : 1+5
20 : sus4
21 : 1+2+5
22 : chord cancelSame processing as chord-off.
(Example) To specify Am7,
F0 43 7E 02 36 0A 7F 7F F7
(A) (m7)