Getting Started
The Controllers
The Controllers
4. Edit the Scream Controller Parameter
The cursor should be located at the “Controller” parameter, as shown in the
example display. In the AltoSax voice the scream control parameter is not used so it is
currently turned “off”. Press the - button or rotate the data entry dial to the right
slightly to select “Modulation Wheel”, the first controller on the list.
Notice that as soon as you edit the parameter, an inverse letter “E”(´) appears to
the left of the voice number near the upper left corner of the display. This tells you that
the voice has been edited and, later, that you’ll need to store the voice in memory before
selecting a different voice if you want to keep the edited data.
NOTES ■ The Controller parameter has 124 settings — corresponding to the
124 controller number provided by MIDI protocol. Some of these are pre-
assigned: Modulation Wheel is number 001, Breath Controller is number 002,
etc. When you select a pre-assigned controller the corresponding controller name
is shown on the display; non-assigned controllers are displayed as MIDI control
change numbers.
■ The “
Modulation Wheel
” setting refers to the VL1’s MODULATION 1
wheel. The MODULATION 2 wheel can be assigned to
any MIDI control change
5. Try Out the Edited Voice & Cancel the Vibrato Effect
Try operating the “ wheel while playing the AltoSax voice. You
should hear the scream effect increase as the wheel is rolled upward. Vibrato is still
assigned to the “ wheel, so the vibrato effect will come in simultaneously.
To cancel the vibrato effect and leave only the scream effect, simply go to the
Controller “VIBRATO” page and turn the Controller parameter “off”. To get to the
vibrato page you can either ] to the controller directory introduced in step 2 and
select the vibrato page from there, or step backward through the controller pages by using
the § function button (“Bpag” stands for “Back page”). In the same way, the ¶
function button can be used to step forward through the controller pages (“Fpag”).
NOTES ■ When “
” appears above the
function button, as it does in
the vibrato and several other controller pages, the
function button accesses
another page of parameters pertaining to the controller.