8 ELEMENT unit
This section is explained in more detail in “Element Unit” (page 26).
This section is explained in more detail in “Insertion Effect” (page 30).
User LFO Panel (Normal Voice only)
1 TOTAL STEP.............................. Determines the number of steps for the currently edited LFO
wave, up to a maximum of sixteen.
2 SLOPE....................................... Determines the slope or ramp characteristics of the LFO wave.
• OFF........................................No slope; the LFO instantly jumps to the level of each step.
• UP..........................................The LFO ramps up to the next step, when that step is
higher in value. No slope for lower steps.
•DOWN....................................The LFO ramps down to the next step, when that step is
lower in value. No slope for higher steps.
• UP & DOWN ..........................The LFO ramps both up and down to the level of each step.
3 TEMPLATE ................................You can select a pre-programmed template for the LFO wave.
The selected template’s wave graph appears in the dialog.
•random...................................Randomly generates step values, creating each time a
different random LFO wave.
• all0 .........................................Values of all the steps are set to 0.
• all64 .......................................Values of all the steps are set to 64.
• all127 .....................................Values of all the steps are set to 127.
•saw up....................................Creates a saw shaped upward wave.
•saw down...............................Creates a saw shaped downward wave.
•even step................................Values of all even steps are set to 127, and values of all
odd steps are set to 0.
• odd step .................................Values of all odd steps are set to 127, and values of all
even steps are set to 0.
4 Wave graph................................Click on the text box and select the method of restarting the
LFO when a note is played.
5 RESET....................................... Values of all the steps are reset to 0.
6 VALUE .......................................Edit the value for each step by using the corresponding knob.
CONTROLLER (Plug-in Voice only)
This determines the depth of pitch, cutoff, pitch modulation, cutoff modulation, and amplitude mod-