Parameter Settings
TENORI-ON Manual 34
Setting Parameters with the Function Buttons [R5] Block Number
[R5] Block Number
Switches to a different block.
When the [R5] button is pressed the LED button column corresponding to the currently
selected bock will light. The leftmost column corresponds to block 1 and the rightmost
column corresponds to block 16.
While holding the [R5] button slide your finger horizontally over the matrix or simply press an
LED button in the appropriate column to select the desired block.
● When switching blocks while in the Push Mode the active notes will be retriggered (i.e. they will play from the
beginning again).
● When switching blocks while in the Random Mode, Bounce Mode, the loop point will return to the beginning
of the loop in either of the cases listed below:
• The block that is switched to is not operating in one of the three modes listed above.
• The block that is switched to includes one or more notes in different positions from the current block.
■ Range . . . . . . . . . . . .1 — 16
■ Default . . . . . . . . . . . 1