64 SPX2000—Owner’s Manual
Pitch Change A, D (CLASSIC bank)
These are pitch change effects based on earlier models of the SPX series. They are equivalent to the High Quality Pitch effects
of the PRESET bank, but have a simpler parameter structure than the PRESET bank effects. Since MIDI note-on messages
can be used to change the pitch, you can connect a MIDI keyboard and change the pitch according to your accompaniment.
Each aspect of the sound is controlled by the following effect parameters.
Effect sound: PITCH, FINE, DELAY, F.B.GAIN
MIDI control: BASE KEY
Output level: OUT LVL, MIX BAL.
Parameter details
■Basic parameters
Effect list
The following table shows the default parameter values for the effects belonging to the Pitch Change A, D types (CLASSIC
■Basic parameters
Parameter name Range Explanation
PITCH –12—+12
Amount of pitch change, set in semitone steps. Positive (+) settings make the pitch higher than the
original sound, and negative (–) settings make it lower.
FINE –50—+50
Amount of pitch change, set in cents (1/100th of a semitone). Positive (+) settings make the pitch
higher than the original sound, and negative (–) settings make it lower.
DELAY 0.0—1000.0 ms
Delay of the effect sound relative to the original sound.
F. B .GAIN 0%—99%
Amount of feedback for the effect sound. Raising this value will increase the amount of feedback,
emphasizing the pitch change. Negative (–) settings will invert the phase of the feedback.
Base key for when receiving MIDI note-on messages. When a MIDI Note-on message with note
number C1 or higher is received, its distance from this setting will be used to update the PITCH
value. For example if you set this parameter as C4, a received note-on message of C3 will cause
PITCH to be set to –12, making the effect sound one octave lower than the original pitch. If you set
this parameter as C2, a received note-on message of D2 will cause PITCH to be set to +2, making
the effect sound two semitones higher than the original pitch. If this parameter is OFF, MIDI note-
on messages will not be received.
OUT LVL 0—100%
Output level after the original sound and effect sound have been mixed.
Decrease this value if you want to lower the output. At a setting of 0% there will be no output.
MIX BAL. 0—100%
Balance between the original sound and effect sound. At a setting of 0% only the original sound
will be output; at a setting of 100% only the effect sound will be output.
19 PITCH CHANGE A 0 0 0.0 ms 0% C 3 80% 100%
22 PITCH CHANGE D 0 0 0.0 ms 0% C 3 80% 100%