Voice List
PSR-S500 Owner’s Manual 103
The voice number with an asterisk (*) is XGlite optional voice.
279 0 28 106 Muted Banjo
280 0 96 106 Rabab
281 0 97 106 Gopichant
282 0 98 106 Oud
283 0 0 107 Shamisen
284 0 0 108 Koto
285 0 96 108 Taisho-kin
286 0 97 108 Kanoon
287 0 0 109 Kalimba
288 0 0 110 Bagpipe
289 0 0 111 Fiddle
290 0 0 112 Shanai
291 0 0 113 Tinkle Bell
292 0 96 113 Bonang
293 0 97 113 Altair
294 0 98 113 Gamelan Gongs
295 0 99 113 Stereo Gamelan Gongs
296 0 100 113 Rama Cymbal
297 0 0 114 Agogo
298 0 0 115 Steel Drums
299 0 97 115 Glass Percussion
300 0 98 115 Thai Bells
301 0 0 116 Woodblock
302 0 96 116 Castanets
303 0 0 117 Taiko Drum
304 0 96 117 Gran Cassa
305 0 0 118 Melodic Tom
306 0 64 118 Melodic Tom 2
307 0 65 118 Real Tom
308 0 66 118 Rock Tom
309 0 0 119 Synth Drum
310 0 64 119 Analog Tom
311 0 65 119 Electronic Percussion
312 0 0 120 Reverse Cymbal
313 0 0 121 Fret Noise
314 0 0 122 Breath Noise
315 0 0 123 Seashore
316 0 0 124 Bird Tweet
317 0 0 125 Telephone Ring
318 0 0 126 Helicopter
319 0 0 127 Applause
320 0 0 128 Gunshot
321 64 0 1 Cutting Noise
322 64 0 2 Cutting Noise 2
323 64 0 4 String Slap
324 64 0 17 Flute Key Click
325 64 0 33 Shower
326 64 0 34 Thunder
327 64 0 35 Wind
328 64 0 36 Stream
329 64 0 37 Bubble
330 64 0 38 Feed
331 64 0 49 Dog
332 64 0 50 Horse
333 64 0 51 Bird Tweet 2
334 64 0 56 Maou
335 64 0 65 Phone Call
336 64 0 66 Door Squeak
337 64 0 67 Door Slam
338 64 0 68 Scratch Cut
339 64 0 69 Scratch Split
340 64 0 70 Wind Chime
341 64 0 71 Telephone Ring 2
342 64 0 81 Car Engine Ignition
343 64 0 82 Car Tires Squeal
344 64 0 83 Car Passing
345 64 0 84 Car Crash
346 64 0 85 Siren
347 64 0 86 Train
348 64 0 87 Jet Plane
Bank Select
Voice Name
349 64 0 88 Starship
350 64 0 89 Burst
351 64 0 90 Roller Coaster
352 64 0 91 Submarine
353 64 0 97 Laugh
354 64 0 98 Scream
355 64 0 99 Punch
356 64 0 100 Heartbeat
357 64 0 101 Footsteps
358 64 0 113 Machine Gun
359 64 0 114 Laser Gun
360 64 0 115 Explosion
361 64 0 116 Firework
Bank Select
Voice Name