Using, Creating and Editing Songs
Recording Your Performance to MIDI
PSR-OR700 Owner’s Manual
About Clock
A unit of note resolution. The
Quantize size is the number of
clocks per quarter note. On the
PSR-OR700, one clock is equal
to 1/1920th of a quarter note.
About the events shown in the display
12 3
001 : 1 : 1440
Measure number (BAR)
1 Indicates the location (position) of the corresponding event. Same as the indication
at the lower left of the display.
2 Indicates the event types (see below).
3 Indicates the event values.
Event types shown on the 1–16 tab display
Event types shown on the CHORD tab display
Note The individual note of a Song. Includes the note number
which corresponds to the key which was played, plus a
velocity value based on how hard the key is played, and the
gate time value (the length of a note).
Ctrl (Control Change) Settings to control the Voice, such as volume, pan, filter and
effect depth (edited via the Mixing Console described on
page 84), etc.
(Program Change)
MIDI program change number for selecting a Voice.
P.Bnd (Pitch Bend) Data for changing the pitch of a Voice continuously.
A.T. (Aftertouch) This event is generated when pressure is applied to a key
after the note is played.
Style Style
Tempo tempo
Chord chord root, chord type, on bass chord
Sect Accompaniment Style Section (Intro, Main, Fill In, Break,
OnOff On/off status for each part (channel) of the Accompaniment
CH.Vol Volume for each part (channel) of the Accompaniment Style
S.Vol Overall volume of the Accompaniment Style