Song Lesson
The Lesson feature provides an exceptionally fun and easy-to-use way to learn how to read
music and play the keyboard. All of the 100 songs of the PSR-172/170 can be used with these
educational features. Lesson lets you practice the left- and right-hand parts of each song
independently, step by step, until you’ve mastered them and are ready to practice with both
hands together. These practices are divided into four Lesson steps, as described below. Les-
sons 1 - 3 apply to each hand; press the appropriate button, L (left) or R (right) to select the
desired part for practice.
■ Lesson 1 — Timing
This lesson step lets you practice just the timing of the notes — any note
can be used, as long as you play in rhythm.
■ Lesson 2 — Waiting
In this lesson step, the PSR-172/170 waits for you to play the correct notes
before continuing playback of the song.
■ Lesson 3 — Minus One
This lesson step plays back the song with one part muted, letting you play
and master the missing part yourself — in rhythm and at the proper tempo.
■ Lesson 4 — Both Hands
Lesson 4 is a “Minus One” practice essentially the same as Lesson 3,
except that both the left- and right-hand parts are muted — letting you play
and master both hands at the same time.
Using the Lesson Feature
1 Select one of the Lesson songs.
Press the [SONG] button, then use the numeric keypad or [+]/[-] buttons to
select the desired song (from 001 - 100).
Many of the songs are divided into different categories or music genres,
including Piano/Classical, World and Christmas, plus a special set of DJ
Game songs.