CHAPTER 8: Internet Direct Connection (IDC) Service
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Notes on Network Security
The Disklavier Mark IV attempts to achieve a balance
between security and usability in its network
implementation. However, a determined hacker may be
able to defeat these security measures and utilize the
network of the purchaser in an unauthorized manner.
Since each network is different, only the purchaser can
determine whether the security measures discussed here
will adequately protect their network.
The purchaser acknowledges that connection to the
Internet and use of the Disklavier Mark IV Internet
features is done at the risk of the purchaser. In no event
shall Yamaha, its subsidiaries or Yamaha's and/or its
subsidiaries' directors, officers, or employees be
responsible for unauthorized access, loss or alteration of
the data of the purchaser or be liable for any damage from
Once you have established an IDC account and
successfully connected your Disklavier to the Internet,
you can access a special Disklavier website where you
can audition and purchase song files, access
DisklavierRadio, and download software updates, among
other things.
Note: Free contents that do not require an ID and
password are available.
Select this to listen to streaming broadcasts of music,
with many channels of music content. You can enjoy
listening to piano performances that play
Note: Music contents with narration are also
Select this to purchase and download MIDI song files.
The available formats are PianoSoft Solo, PianoSoft
Plus, Smart PianoSoft, and Standard MIDI.
Note: Standard MIDI files may not include an
interesting piano part.
[To Download Library]:
Select this to play purchased songs. This option
functions as the shortcut to [Download Library],
where the purchased songs are stored.
[My Account]:
Select this to confirm your account information. You
can also re-download song files previously
purchased, log out from the IDC service, or refer to
the help information from this option.
[Network Update]:
Select this to update the Disklavier using Internet
Note: The service contents are subject to change
without prior notice.
Accessing the Internet