MIDI Data Format/MIDI-Datenformat/Format de données MIDI
MIDI Data Format/MIDI-Datenformat/Format de données MIDI
Appendix/Anhang/Annexe 243
Functions of the MIDI B Port when Connected to the MFC10/
Funktionen des MIDI B Ports bei Verbindung mit dem MFC10/
Fonctions du port MIDI B lors de la connexion au MFC10
The MIDI B port can also be used for operation with the MFC10 MIDI Foot Controller.
<Table 1> MIDI B IN
MIDI Events Status byte 1st Data byte 2nd Data byte MFC10 channel number Remarks
Status Data (HEX) Parameter Data (HEX) Parameter When n matches the MFC10’s channel
When n does not match the MFC10’s
channel number.
Key Off
8nH (n:channel no.) kk Key no. (0~127) vv Velocity(0~127) Handled as a message for control by the
Handled as a normal Channel/Mode/Re-
altime message.
Key On
9nH kk Key no. (0~127) vv Key On :vv=1~127
Key Off :vv=0
Handled as a message for control by the
Handled as a normal Channel/Mode/Re-
altime message.
Control Change
BnH 0 (00H) Bank Select MSB 0 (00H) Normal Handled as a message for control by the
Handled as a normal Channel/Mode/Re-
altime message.
126 (7EH) SFX kit
127 (7FH) Drum
1 (01H) Modulation 0~127 (...7FH) Handled as a message for control by the
Handled as a normal Channel/Mode/Re-
altime message.
2 (02H) No Assign 0~127 (...7FH) Handled as a message for control by the
Handled as a normal Channel/Mode/Re-
altime message.
3 (03H) No Assign 0~127 (...7FH) Handled as a message for control by the
Handled as a normal Channel/Mode/Re-
altime message.
4 (04H) Foot Control 0~127 (...7FH) Handled as a message for control by the
Handled as a normal Channel/Mode/Re-
altime message.
7 (07H) Main Volume 0~127 (...7FH) Handled as a message for control by the
Handled as a normal Channel/Mode/Re-
altime message.
Other - - - Handled as a normal Channel/Mode/Re-
altime message.
RealTime Message
F8H MIDI Clock - - Handled as a normal Channel/Mode/Re-
altime message.
Handled as a normal Channel/Mode/Re-
altime message.
FEH Active Sens - - Handled as a normal Channel/Mode/Re-
altime message.
Handled as a normal Channel/Mode/Re-
altime message.
Other - - - - Handled as a normal Channel/Mode/Re-
altime message.
<Table 2> MIDI B OUT
MIDI Events Status byte 1st Data byte 2nd Data byte Transmit Remarks
Status Data (HEX) Parameter Data (HEX) Parameter
RealTime Message
FEH Active Sens - - o Transmits every 200msec.
MFC10 Bulk Dump o Transmits after checking the
connection with the MFC10
and changing the MFC10’s
channel number.
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