The 9000Pro “Functions”
The 9000Pro “Functions”
164 Reference
Harmony/Echo Settings
The explanations here apply to step #3 of the Basic Procedure on page 158.
■ About the Harmony types
• When a Harmony type (“STANDARD DUET” through “STRUM”) is selected
• When “MULTI ASSIGN” is selected
Multi Assign automatically assigns notes played simultaneously on the right-hand section of
the keyboard to separate parts (voices). The number of parts which can be assigned
depends on the number of parts turned ON via the [PART ON/OFF] buttons. If three parts
are turned on, then up to three voices can be assigned. if two parts are turned on, then only
two voices can be assigned. For example, if the R1, R2, and R3 parts are turned on and you
play and hold three successive notes, the first note will be played with the R1 voice, the sec-
ond note with the R2 voice, and the third note with the R3 voice.
• When “ECHO” is selected
An echo effect is applied to the note played on the keyboard at the currently set tempo.
• When “TREMOLO” is selected
A tremolo effect is applied to the note played on the keyboard at the currently set tempo.
• When “TRILL” is selected
Two notes held on the keyboard are played alternately at the currently set tempo.
■ About “ASSIGN”
• R1 .................. Harmony is only applied to the R1 part. If R1 is OFF there will be no Har-
mony effect.
• R2 .................. Harmony is only applied to the R2 part. If R2 is OFF there will be no Har-
mony effect.
• R3 ...................Harmony is only applied to the R3 part. If R3 is OFF there will be no Har-
mony effect.
• AUTO ............. Harmony notes are automatically assigned to the R1, R2, and R3 parts,
in that order or priority.
• MULTI ............. Multi Assign automatically assigns the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd added harmony
notes to separate parts (voices). For example, if the R1, and R2 parts
are turned on and the STANDARD DUET type is selected, then the note
you play on the keyboard will be played by the R1 voice, and the added
harmony note will be played by the R2 voice.
Assign the Harmony effect to
the various parts as listed
Determines the lowest velocity value at which
the harmony note will sound. The higher the
value, the harder the keyboard must be played
to apply the Harmony effect.
Select a Harmony type.
See below for details.
Set the volume of the
Harmony effect.
Adjust the speed of the echo/tremolo/trill effect.
This parameter is active when any of the echo-based effects
are selected (15 through 17).
When set to ON, the Harmony effect is applied only to the note that
belongs to a chord played on the left side of the keyboard from the
split point.
This setting is not available when the Multi Assign, Echo, Tremolo, or
Trill type is selected.
Split Point
This type automatically adds one or more
harmony notes to a single-note melody
played on the right side of the keyboard
from the split point.
A chord played on the left side
of the keyboard from the split
point controls the harmony.
• For all voices except Organ
Flutes and Plug-in voices, if
you change the chord in your
left hand while holding down a
note with your right hand, the
pitch of the harmony note(s)
will bend (without attack) to
match the newly played chord.
When using Organ Flutes or
Plug-in voices with your right
hand, the harmony note(s) is
retriggered with a fresh attack
at a new pitch matching the
newly played chord.
• The echo, tremolo, and trill
effects set via the Harmony/
Echo function may not affect
the Organ Flutes sound and
the Plug-in voice as expected.