PF-500 61
Detailed Settings
In Dual mode, parameters with the “ ” mark are set for Voice 1 and Voice 2 individually.
Settings Parameter name Reference page
Octave* Octave 70
Volume level* Volume 70
Position of right and left channels* Pan 70
Fine pitch adjustment (only in Dual mode) Detune 70
Reverb type ReverbType 71
Reverb depth* ReverbSend 71
Chorus type ChorusType 71
Chorus depth* ChorusSend 71
Chorus on/off ChorusOnOff 72
Select the DSP type* DSP Type (DSP) 72
Set the speed of the vibraphone vibrato effect* VibeRotorSpeed 72
Turn the vibraphone vibrato effect on/off* VibeRotorOnOff (RotorOnOff) 73
Adjust the speed of the rotary speaker* RotarySpeed (Rot.Speed) 73
Adjust the DSP effect depth* DSPDepth 73
Adjust the brightness of the sound* Brightness 73
Adjust the resonance effect* HarmonicContent (Harmonic) 73
Adjust the low-range frequency of the equalizer* EQ LowFreq. (EQ L.Freq) 74
Adjust the low-range gain (boost/cut) of the equal-
EQ LowGain 74
Adjust the high-range frequency of the equalizer* EQ HighFreq. (EQ H.Freq) 74
Adjust the high-range gain (boost/cut) of the equal-
EQ HighGain 74
Touch sensitivity* TouchSense 75
Right pedal function RPedal 75
Center pedal function MPedal 75
Left pedal function LPedal 76
Auxiliary pedal function AuxPedal 76