add- Portamento
Control # Parameter Range
84 Portamento control 0 – 127
Portamento time is always set to 0. (RPN) LSB / MSB
Control # Parameter Range
100 RPN LSB 0 – 127
101 RPN MSB 0 – 127
(Refer to section 3.2.7)
3.2.3 Program change
Refer to the Voice List on page add-2.
3.2.4 Pitch Bend
Pitch Bend resolution is 14 bit (-8192 – +8191).
3.2.5 Channel Mode Messages
The MU5 receives and responds to the following channel mode messages:
2nd byte 3rd byte
120 0 All sound off
121 0 Reset all controllers
123 0 All note off
124 0 Omni off
125 0 Omni on
126 0 – 127 Mono
127 0 Poly All Sounds Off
This mutes all sounds of the corresponding channel. However, when the sustain
(damper) pedal is held or a note is held down on the keyboard, the sound continues. Reset All Controllers
Controllers are set to the following values:
Controller Reset Value
Pitch bend ±0 (normal)
Modulation 0 (OFF)
Expression 127 (Max)
Hold 1 0 (OFF)
RPN (Not set. Internal data doesn’t change.)
The following values are not reset: Program change, Bank select MSB/LSB,
Volume, Pan, Pitch bend sensitivity, Fine tuning, Coarse tuning, and Local control.
MIDI Data Format