
Editing a Normal Voice
MOTIF XS Owner’s Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
7 Attack Level
Determines the normal pitch of the pressed note.
8 Decay 1 Level
Determines the level which the pitch of sound reaches from
the Attack Level after the Decay1 time elapses.
9 Decay 2 Level
Determines the sustain-level pitch which will be maintained
while a note is held.
) Release Level
Determines the final pitch reached after the note is
! EG Depth
Determines the range over which the pitch envelope
changes. A setting of 0 will cause the pitch not to change.
The farther from 0 the value is, the larger the pitch range.
For negative values, the pitch change is reversed.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
@ EG Depth Vel Sens
(EG Depth Velocity Sensitivity)
Determines how the pitch range of the Element responds
to velocity. When this is set to a positive value, high
velocities cause the pitch range to expand and low
velocities cause it to contract, as shown below. When this
is set to a negative value, high velocities cause the pitch
range to contract and low velocities cause it to expand.
When this is set to 0, the pitch envelope does not change
no matter what the velocity.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
# EG Depth Vel Curve (EG Depth Velocity Curve)
The five curves determine how the pitch range will be
generated according to the velocity (strength) with which
you play notes on the keyboard. The horizontal axis of the
graph is the velocity, and the vertical axis is the pitch
Settings: Curve 0 – 4
$ EG Time Velocity Sens
(EG Time Velocity Sensitivity)
Determines how the PEG transition time (speed) responds
to velocity, or the strength with which the note is pressed.
When this is set to a positive value, high velocities result in
a fast PEG transition speed while low velocities result in a
slow speed, as shown below. When this is set to a negative
value, high velocities result in a slow PEG transition speed
while low velocities result in a fast speed. When this is set
to 0, the PEG transition speed does not change no matter
what the velocity.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
% EG Time Segment
Determines the part of the Pitch EG which the EG Time
Velocity Sensitivity ($) affects.
Settings: attack, atk+dcy, decay, atk+rls, all
The EG Time Velocity Sensitivity affects the Attack Time and Hold Time.
atk+dcy (attack+decay)
The EG Time Velocity Sensitivity affects the Attack Time, Decay1 Time,
and Hold Time.
The EG Time Velocity Sensitivity affects the Decay 1/2 Time.
atk+rls (attack+release)
The EG Time Velocity Sensitivity affects the Attack Time, Release Time,
and Hold Time.
This EG Time Velocity Sensitivity affects all the Pitch EG Time
^ EG Time Key Follow
Determines the degree to which the notes (specifically,
their position or octave range) affect the pitch EG times of
the selected Element. When this is set to a positive value,
high notes result in a high pitch EG transition speed while
low notes result in a slow speed. When this is set to a
negative value, high notes result in a slow pitch EG
transition speed while low notes result in a high speed.
When this is set to 0, the pitch EG transition speed does
not change no matter what the pressed note.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
Large range
High Velocity
Small range
Low Velocity
Pitch Change
Fast pitch transition
High Velocity
Slow pitch transition
Low Velocity