
Yamaha Professional Audio M7CL StageMix V4.5 User Guide
Page 34
The Output Bus number (e.g. Matrix 1) assigned to each Output Port is
displayed at the top of each channel strip. The name of each Output Bus is
displayed below its number.
6.3 Delay On
Press [DELAY ON] in each channel strip to change the On/Off status of the
Delay for each Output Port. The button is yellow when the Delay is On
6.4 Delay Time Display
The current delay time value for each Output Port is displayed in a button.
The top value is always displayed in milliseconds.
Below the ms value, the delay value is also displayed in Meters, Feet or
Samples. The choice depends on the currently selected delay scale.
Note: if ms is selected as the Delay Scale, then only the ms value is displayed.
Tap on this button to edit the Delay Time value (refer to 6.7)
6.5 Output Port Phase
A Phase button is available in each Output Port channel strip. The Phase
setting can be edited by pressing this button. The button will have a grey
background when the Phase setting is normal and will change to an orange
background when Phase is reversed.
6.6 Output Port Gain
A fader in each channel strip allows the Output Port Gain to be adjusted in
1dB steps. The gain value is always displayed above each fader. Fine
adjustments can be made by tapping on the dB value. This will cause a
popup to appear that allows the gain value to be adjusted in 0.1dB steps by
tapping the up or down arrows.
6.7 Delay Time Editor
Tap on any of the Delay Time Display buttons to access the Delay Time Editor.
The button for the Output Port channel being edited will be highlighted in dark
The currently selected Output Port, and the Output Bus and its name are