M7CL Quick Start Guide Part 3
What is in a scene?
When a scene is stored it is useful to know what is included in the scene and can be changed by scene recall and what is
not. However just because things are not remembered by scene recall doesn’t mean they are not remembered at power
down or are not included in the whole console file.
These text boxes should make it clear what is stored in scene memory and what is not.
Included in scene recall
- Head amp
(level, +48V, Ф)
- Ext head amp
(port, level, +48V)
- Scene comment, time stamp
- Name/icon
- Patch/routing
(Input, Output, Insert, Direct, Monitor,
Cascade, Rack)
- Insert
(on/off, position)
- Direct out
(on/off, position, level)
- EQ
(all parameters inc HPF)
(digital attenuator)
- Dynamics 1
(all parameters)
- Dynamics 2
(all parameters)
- MATRIX sends
(bus setup, on/off, level, pre/post, pan)
- MIX sends
(bus setup, on/off, level, pre/post, pan)
- Pan/balance
(Position Stereo/Mono/LCR)
(assignment, level, mute)
- Mute group
(assignment, on/off)
- Faders and on/off
- Rack
(all parameters)
- Rear panel input to talkback routing
(and levels in
MONITOR screen)
- Focus
- Cross fade
(on, time)
- Channel link settings
(on, pre/post)
- Cascade patching
Not included in scene recall
but still remembered for all scenes.
- User defined keys
- Preferences
- Brightness controls
- OUTPORT delay and level settings
- MIDI setup
- Word clock
- Master +48V
- CUE pop-up
(PFL trim inputs, DCA trim, PFL trim
- MONITOR pop-up
(levels, source on/off, mono, link)
- Oscillator
(all parameters)
- Safe assignments
(mute, recall)
- Passwords/admin/guest settings
- Screen page or pop-up
- Sends on fader selected
- Metering point selection
- External HA to slot assignment and HPF
- User access level
- Network settings
- Clock
- Slots and MY card settings
- User libraries
(user and ROM)
(not key-in) (user and ROM)
(user only)
(user and ROM)
Saving and loading data.
Storing and recalling operations relate to scenes within a console file. Saving and loading relate to adding or copying
files from the console. The console file is made up of various libraries but these are all linked together so that they can
all be saved or loaded together in one easy file. These files are common to both the M7CL-32 and M7CL-48, but no
other console.
In addition to the scene memory (including the patch scenes) the console also remembers the various console settings
and preferences not included in the scenes.
All this information can be backed up to a simple USB storage device.
Yamaha does not make and sell the USB storage
devices, but these are widely available from computer
and electronics stores and from many manufacturers.
When choosing a storage device remember that;
M7CL is USB1.1, so both USB1.1 and USB2.0 will work.
Storage capacity must not exceed 2GB. The drive can
be formatted to FAT12 FAT16 or FAT32 but must not
be partitioned. You can format a new drive in M7CL,
but remember formatting an old drive erases all its
memories. The same key will work with LS9 consoles
but the files are not transferable.