Table of contents
General and important labels...........1
Identification numbers .................... 1
Primary Identification (PRI-ID)
number ........................................... 1
Hull Identification Number (HIN) ........ 1
Engine serial number ........................ 1
Emission control information .......... 2
Approval label of emission control
certificate ........................................ 2
Manufactured date label .................... 3
Star labels ......................................... 3
Important labels .............................. 5
Warning labels ................................... 6
Other labels ....................................... 8
Safety information...........................10
Limitations on who may operate
the watercraft ............................ 10
Cruising limitations ....................... 11
Operation requirements ............... 12
Recommended equipment ........... 15
Hazard information ....................... 15
Watercraft characteristics ............. 16
Rules of the Road ........................ 17
To get more boating safety
information ................................ 21
Enjoy your watercraft
responsibly ................................ 22
Features and functions...................24
Location of main components ...... 24
Operation of controls and other
functions .................................... 28
Seats ............................................... 28
Hood ................................................ 29
Fuel tank filler cap ........................... 29
Remote control transmitter .............. 29
Engine stop switch .......................... 31
Engine shut-off switch ..................... 31
Start switch ...................................... 31
Throttle lever ................................... 32
Cooling water pilot outlets ............... 32
Steering system ............................... 32
Telescopic steering system ............. 33
Shift lever ........................................ 33
Quick Shift Trim System (QSTS)
selector ........................................ 34
Reboarding grip ............................... 36
Bow eye ........................................... 36
Stern eyes ....................................... 36
Yamaha Security System ................ 36
Dual analog meter unit .................... 38
Storage compartments .................... 43
Operation......................................... 46
Fuel and oil .................................. 46
Fuel ................................................. 46
Engine oil ......................................... 47
Pre-operation checks ................... 48
Pre-operation check list ................... 48
Pre-operation check points .............. 50
Operation ..................................... 58
Engine break-in ............................... 58
Launching the watercraft ................. 58
Starting the engine .......................... 58
Stopping the engine ........................ 59
Shifting ............................................ 60
Leaving the watercraft ..................... 60
Operating your watercraft ............ 61
Getting to know your watercraft ....... 61
Learning to operate your
watercraft ..................................... 61
Riding with a passenger .................. 62
Starting the watercraft ..................... 62
Boarding and starting in deep
water ............................................ 63
Capsized watercraft ......................... 66
Turning the watercraft ..................... 67
Stopping the watercraft ................... 68
Beaching the watercraft ................... 69
Docking the watercraft ..................... 69
Reverse on waterways .................... 69
Operating in weeded areas ............. 69
UF2R10E0.book Page 1 Friday, October 31, 2008 9:14 AM