Bulk Dump Block
“Top Address” indicates the top address of each block designated by bulk dump
“Byte Count” indicates the data size contained in each block designated by bulk
dump operation.
The Block from the Bulk Header to the Bulk Footer of the Performance and Voice
can be received regardless their order. They can be received even if all of them
are not transmitted. They cannot be received if the irrelevant Block is included.
To execute 1 Performance/1 Voice bulk dump request, designate its
corresponding Bulk Header address.
When the Multiple Bulk Control Footer is received, the data of Masters,
Performances, and Voices will be saved to the Flash ROM.
For the information about “mm” and “nn” shown in the following list, refer to MIDI
Parameter Block Description Byte Count Top Address
Dec Hex H M L
SYSTEM System 60 003C 00 00 00
Plug-in Board Native System 48 0030 00 10 00
Master EQ (for Voice Mode) 20 0014 00 20 00
Master Effect (for Voice Mode) 35 0023 00 21 00
Master Effect Knob Setting 32 0020 00 22 00
MASTER KEYBOARD Bulk Header 0 00 0E mm nn
Common 19 0013 33 00 00
Zone1 16 0010 32 00 00
: 4 Blocks : : :
Zone4 16 0010 32 03 00
Bulk Footer 0 00 0F mm nn
PERFORMANCE Bulk Header 0 00 0E mm nn
COMMON Common 101 0065 30 00 00
Reverb 36 0024 30 01 00
Chorus 37 0025 30 02 00
Insertion A (for Analog Part) 34 0022 30 03 00
Insertion B (for Analog Part) 34 0022 30 04 00
Master EQ 20 0014 30 10 00
Master Effect 35 0023 30 11 00
Native (for InsEF Plug-in) 68 0044 30 20 00
PART Part1 58 003A 31 00 00
: 4 Blocks : : :
Part4 58 003A 31 03 00
PLUG-IN PART Plug-in 1 Part 58 003A 31 60 00
: 3 Blocks : : :
Plug-in 3 Part 58 003A 31 62 00
AD PART AD Part1 8 0008 34 40 00
: 5 Blocks : : :
AD Part5 8 0008 34 44 00
Bulk Footer 0 00 0F mm nn
VOICE (NORMAL) Bulk Header 0 00 0E mm nn
COMMON Extra 82 0052 40 70 00
Common1 17 0011 40 00 00
Common2 4 0004 40 00 40
Reverb 36 0024 40 01 00
Chorus 37 0025 40 02 00
Insertion A 34 0022 40 03 00
Insertion B 34 0022 40 04 00
Controller 30 001E 40 05 00
LFO 38 0026 40 06 00
ELEMENT 1 Oscillator 29 001D 41 00 00
Amplitude 30 001E 41 00 20
Pitch 30 001E 42 00 00
Filter 50 0032 43 00 00
EQ 8 0008 44 00 00
LFO1 8 0008 44 00 40
LFO2 4 0004 44 00 50
ELEMENT 2 Oscillator 29 001D 41 01 00
Amplitude 30 001E 41 01 20
Pitch 30 001E 42 01 00
Filter 50 0032 43 01 00
EQ 8 0008 44 01 00
LFO1 8 0008 44 01 40
LFO2 4 0004 44 01 50
ELEMENT 3 Oscillator 29 001D 41 02 00
Amplitude 30 001E 41 02 20
Pitch 30 001E 42 02 00
Filter 50 0032 43 02 00
EQ 8 0008 44 02 00
LFO1 8 0008 44 02 40
LFO2 4 0004 44 02 50
ELEMENT 4 Oscillator 29 001D 41 03 00
Amplitude 30 001E 41 03 20
Pitch 30 001E 42 03 00
Filter 50 0032 43 03 00
EQ 8 0008 44 03 00
LFO1 8 0008 44 03 40
LFO2 4 0004 44 03 50
Bulk Footer 0 00 0F mm nn
VOICE (DRUM) Bulk Header 0 00 0E mm nn
COMMON Extra 82 0052 46 70 00
Common1 8 0008 46 00 00
Common2 4 0004 46 00 40
Reverb 36 0024 46 01 00
Chorus 37 0025 46 02 00
Insertion A 34 0022 46 03 00
Insertion B 34 0022 46 04 00
Controller 30 001E 46 05 00
KEY C 0 Oscillator 19 0013 47 00 00
Amplitude 12 000C 47 00 20
Pitch 3 0003 48 00 00
Filter 8 0008 49 00 00
EQ 8 0008 4A 00 00
: 73 Blocks : : :
KEY C 6 Oscillator 19 0013 47 48 00
Amplitude 12 000C 47 48 20
Pitch 3 0003 48 48 00
Filter 8 0008 49 48 00
EQ 8 0008 4A 48 00
Bulk Footer 0 00 0F mm nn
VOICE (PLUG-IN) Bulk Header 0 00 0E mm nn
* Receives the Plug-in Bulk
Dump of the CS6x (ID=0x64)
and complies with the Dump
Extra 82 0052 4C 70 00
Common 13 000D 4C 00 00
Reverb 36 0024 4C 01 00
Chorus 37 0025 4C 02 00
Insertion A 34 0022 4C 03 00
Insertion B 34 0022 4C 04 00
Controller 10 000A 4C 05 00
Plug-in XG Part 35 0023 4C 10 00
Native 68 0044 4C 20 00
Bulk Footer 0 00 0F mm nn
MIX Bulk Header 0 00 0E mm nn
COMMON Common 101 0065 36 00 00
Reverb 36 0024 36 01 00
Chorus 37 0025 36 02 00
Insertion A (for Analog Part) 34 0022 36 03 00
Insertion B (for Analog Part) 34 0022 36 04 00
Master EQ 20 0014 36 10 00
Master Effect 35 0023 36 11 00
Native (for InsEF Plug-in) 68 0044 36 20 00
PART Part1 58 003A 37 00 00
: 16 Blocks : : :
Part16 58 003A 37 0F 00
PLUG-IN PART Plug-in 1 Part 58 003A 37 60 00
: 3 Blocks : : :
Plug-in 3 Part 58 003A 37 44 00
AD PART AD Part1 8 0008 38 40 00
: 5 Blocks : : :
AD Part5 8 0008 38 44 00
Bulk Footer 0 00 0F mm nn
Parameter Block Description Byte Count Top Address
Dec Hex H M L
Data List
MIDI Data Table