Thank you for your purchase of this Yamaha EMX512SC, EMX312SC, or EMX212S power mixer.
Please read through this manual carefully before beginning use, so that you will be able to take full
advantage of your mixer’s superlative features and enjoy trouble-free operation for years to come. After
reading the manual, please store it in a safe place.
■ Basic
Quick Guide 6
Before Turning On the Mixer........................................ 6
Getting Sound to the Speakers.................................... 7
Adding Some Reverb................................................. 11
Using the Compressors to Enhance Vocals .............. 12
Making the Most of Your Mixer 13
A Place for Everything and Everything in its Place ....13
A Plethora of Connectors—What Goes Where? ... 13
Balanced, Unbalanced—What’s the Difference? .. 14
Signal Levels and the Decibel.................................... 15
Making Better Mixes................................................... 15
Approaching the Mix—Where Do You Start? ...... 15
To EQ or Not to EQ.............................................. 16
Ambience .............................................................17
The Modulation Effects: Phasing, Chorus,
and Flanging ........................................................ 18
Compression........................................................ 18
■ Reference
Controls and Connectors 20
Controls on Each Channel .........................................20
Digital Effects Section ................................................22
MAIN Section .............................................................23
MONITOR Section .....................................................24
POWER Section ........................................................25
Rear Panel .................................................................26
Connecting Speakers 27
Horizontal Orientation, Tilting and
Rack Mounting 28
Horizontal Orientation ................................................28
Tilting .........................................................................29
Rack Mounting ...........................................................29
Setting Up 30
Troubleshooting 31
Specifications 32
Input Channels..................................... page 20
The EMX offers four monoaural mic/line input channels (1
to 4) and four stereo input channel pairs (5/6 to 11/12),
allowing you to freely mix inputs from microphones, line-
level devices, and stereo devices. For example, you can
mix four microphones with four stereo devices, or seven
microphones with one stereo synthesizer.
Phantom Power (+15V)........................ page 25
A single switch turns phantom power on to all mic inputs.
Use this feature to provide power to condenser microphones.
High-Quality Digital Effects ................page 22
The mixer’s internal effector is in the same league as our
SPX effector series, allowing you to create a rich range of
variations with no external help. But of course you are also
free to use the EFFECT OUT jack to connect to an external
effector of your choice.
MAIN and MONITOR Outputs .............page 23
The mixer offers excellent independent control of main and
monitor output. The top panel offers separate main and
monitor outputs, while the POWER AMP switch can be
used to set the SPEAKERS jacks so that they output either
the main signal to both speakers or else the main signal to
one speaker and the monitor signal to the other. Separate
MASTER control knobs and 7-segment graphic equalizers
are also provided.
Compressors (EMX512SC and
EMX312SC only) ..................................page 21
Compressors on channels 1 to 4 can be used to squeeze
the dynamic range of inputs such as microphones and
acoustic guitars, attenuating the higher levels and bringing
out the lower ones. This feature helps reduce distortion and
allows overall volume to be set higher, resulting in a stron-
ger and more impressive sound.
Tilt Setup or Rack Mount ................... page 29
The EMX can be positioned at an angle or mounted in a
rack, allowing for easy accessibility in a wide variety of set-
Internal Power Amp............................. page 25
The internal amp makes it possible to connect the SPEAK-
ERS jacks directly to non-powered speakers, with no need
for an external amplifier in between. The rear panel offers
two types of speaker connectors: phone jacks and Neutrik
Speakon jacks.
Contents Features