Voice Sections
9. Lead ● 01: Oboe 1 8' - Softer oboe.
OBOE ● 02: Oboe 2 8' - Rounder tone with characteristic tonguing. For fast phrases.
● 03: English Horn 8' - Cor Anglais.
● 04: Bassoon 1 U16'/L8' - For legato playing.
05: Bassoon 2 U16'/L8' - For staccato playing.
10. Upper/Lower ● 01: Clarinet 1 8' - Standard clarinet.
CLARINET ● 02: Clarinet 2 8' - Clarinet solo for jazz and contemporary.
● 03: Bass Cla. 8' - Bass clarinet with fat and resonant sounds.
● 04: Synth. Cla. 1 8' - Resonant synth. clarinet.
05: Synth. Cla. 2 8' - Synth. reed with a unique attack sound.
11. Upper/Lower ● 01: Saxophone 1 U16'/L8' - Alto sax.
SAXOPHONE ● 02: Saxophone 2 U16'/L8' - Characteristic tenor sax with strong tonguing.
● 03: Sopra. Sax. 8' - Standard soprano sax.
04: Sax. Ens. 1 U16'/L8' - Softer sounds for classicals.
05: Sax. Ens. 2 U16'/L8 - Saxophone section for bigband.
06: Synth. Sax. 8' - Wind synthesizer with thick sounds in the middle and lower range.
● 07: Synth. Lead 1 8' - Softer analog synth. reed.
08: Synth. Lead 2 8' - Clear synth. reed with a sharp attack.
09: Synth. Lead 3 4' - Hoarse noise reed.
10: Synth. Lead 4 8' - Digital synth. reed.
11: Synth. Lead 5 8' - Synth. reed with thick fourth notes.
12. Upper/Lower ● 01: Tutti 1 8' - Strings unison and wood winds ensemble.
TUTTI ● 02: Tutti 2 8' - Strings unison and the brasses.
● 03: Tutti 3 8' - The brasses for classicals and bands.
● 04: Tutti 4 8' - Big band. Softer playing = sax only. Harder playing = 1 octave higher brasses added.
05: Tutti 5 8' - Wood winds ensemble. Instruments vary depending on the register played.
06: Tutti 6 8' - Wood winds quintet.
07: Tutti 7 8' - Brass ensemble.
13. Upper/Lower ● 01: Chorus 1 8' - Female “Ah”.
CHORUS ● 02: Chorus 2 8' - Male “Wh”.
● 03: Chorus 3 8' - Mixed chorus.
04: Chorus 4 8' - Mixed chorus with beautiful resonance. Wh.
05: Chorus 5 8' - Scat type vocal ensemble.
● 06: Vocal 8' - Accentuated solo vocal, “Ah”.
14. Upper ● 01: Harmonica 1 8' - Standard type with pitch modulated vibrato.
HARMONICA ● 02: Harmonica 2 8' - Solo harmonica with filter and amplitude modulated vibrato.
15. Upper/Lower ● 01: Organ 1 8' - Small pipe organ. 8'.
ORGAN 02: Organ 2 8' - Big pipe organ with full coupler.
03: Organ 3 8' - Nasard stops. 8'+2 2/3'.
04: Organ 4 8' - Harmonium.
● 05: Jazz Organ 1 16' Chor. For solo playing. 16'+8'+5 1/3'.
06: Jazz Organ 2 16' Trem. 16'+8'+2'.
07: Jazz Organ 3 16' Trem. For cluster playing. 16'+1 3/5'+1 1/3'+1'.
08: Jazz Organ 4 16' Chor. Fat and noisy jazz organ.
● 09: Pop Organ 1 8' Chor. Bright sounds for jazz. 8'+4'+2 2/3'.
10: Pop Organ 2 8' Chor. For multi purposes.
11: Theat. Organ 1 8' Sym. 8'+4' with slower attack.
12: Theat. Organ 2 8' - 16'+8' with slower attack.
● 13: Accordion 8' - Slower attack.
14: Bandoneon 8' - Attack can be controlled by initial touch.
16. Pedal ● 01: Organ Bass 1 8' - Combination organ bass.
ORGAN BASS ● 02: Organ Bass 2 16' - Pipe organ bass 1. Standard type.
● 03: Organ Bass 3 16' - For jazz. 16'.
● 04: Organ Bass 4 16' - Pipe organ bass 2. Full coupler.
17. Upper/Lower ● 01: Piano 1 8' - For multi purposes.
PIANO 02: Piano 2 8' - Brighter sounds. CP80 type.
03: Honkytonk 8' - Honky tonk piano.
● 04: Elec. Piano 1 8' Cele. DX7 type.
● 05: Elec. Piano 2 8' Cele. Old fashioned, full bodied electric piano.
06: Elec. Piano 3 8' - Electric piano with clearly brilliant but deep sounds.
● 07: Harpsichord 8' - Standard cembalo.
08: Clavi. 16' - Funky clavi.
09: Clavichord 8' - Clavichord with stable and grave sounds.
Page/Section Voice Name
Feet Effect