This is a 61-key keyboard which has initial (veloc-
ity) and after (pressure) sensitivity, although these
parameters must be programmed into the voice in
order to be useable. The keyboard has 16-note poly-
phonic capability or can be switched to monophonic
mode. The overall keyboard pitch produced can be
altered + 75 cents using the Master Tune Adjust
parameter in FUNCTION mode, and the pitch of a
particular voice can be transposed over a 4 octave
range using the Key Transpose parameter in EDIT
mode. Each voice also may have an inherently
higher or lower pitch depending on the frequency
settings of components within the voice (the Opera-
Pitch Bend Wheel
The Pitch Bend wheel permits you to shift the key-
board pitch up and down;
the range of this shift
depends on how far the
wheel is deflected from
the spring-return center
position, and on the
BEND RANGE] setting,
with a maximum range of
plus or minus one octave.
The smoothness depends on
Modulation Wheel
The Modulation wheel permits you to introduce LFO
modulation of pitch and/or amplitude and/or EG bias
as you move the wheel away from you. The range and
nature of the effect obtained depends on several factors
(1) how the Modulation Wheel
parameters are set in
FUNCTION mode, and (2)
whether the voice has modu-
lation sensitivity programmed
into it; if either factor is
not set appropriately the
wheel will have no effect.
Headphone & Breath Controller Jacks
The Headphone jack lets you listen without an exter-
nal amplifier/speaker system by plugging in almost any
pair of mono or stereo headphones that has a standard
1/4" (6.3 mm) diameter phone plug. The Breath Con-
troller jack accepts the miniature stereo phone plug from
a Yamaha BC-1 Breath Controller, which may be used to
introduce LFO modulation or EG bias into most voices
depending upon how the FUNCTION mode Breath
Control parameters are set, and on whether modulation
sensitivity is programmed into the voice. (If they are not
set appropriately the BC-1 will have no effect.)