MIDI Functions
The DD-55 also features side panel MIDI terminals (MIDI IN and MIDI OUT) as well as a compre-
hensive set of MIDI functions, that let you use the instrument in a variety of recording and perfor-
mance applications.
In all cases, make sure to properly set the MIDI Transmit Channels on the DD-55. Also make appro-
priate settings on the connected instruments. (Refer to the relevant owner’s manuals for details.)
● You can play the voices and sounds of the DD-55 from another MIDI instrument
This setup allows you to control the DD-55 from a MIDI keyboard controller — espe-
cially one not having a tone generator. Connect the MIDI IN terminal on the DD-55 to
the MIDI OUT terminal on the other instrument.
● You can play the voices and sounds of another MIDI instrument from the DD-55
In this setup, you can play another MIDI instrument or tone generator from the DD-55.
For example, this lets you mix two different sounds together when you play a pad on the
DD-55. Connect the MIDI OUT terminal on the DD-55 to the MIDI IN terminal on the
other instrument.
● You can record your performance on the DD-55 to a connected sequencer or
Here, you can record all your playing, along with the DD-55’s auto accompaniment, to
a connected computer or sequencer. Naturally, you can use the sophisticated functions
of the computer or sequencer to edit your data, and play it back using the sounds of the
DD-55. The DD-55 also lets you play back up to 16 different channels — letting you
create complex recordings and compositions.
To set up, connect the MIDI OUT terminal on the DD-55 to the MIDI IN terminal on
the sequencer or computer (allowing you to record). Also, connect the MIDI IN termi-
nal on the DD-55 to the MIDI OUT terminal on the sequencer or computer (allowing
playback). You may need to set Local On/Off (page 26) to off, for best results.
• When using a computer, special software (sequencer software) is needed.
What You Can Do With MIDI
MIDI instrument
MIDI receive
MIDI instrument
MIDI transmit
MIDI receive
MIDI transmit
(sequencer software)