X Select a registration to name. ..............................................................
Use the left and right LCD buttons to select the bank and name of the
registration whose name you wish to change.
You can also select a registration bank and number using the BANK
▲ and ▼ or REGIST ▲ and ▼ buttons, respectively.
C Edit the registration name.......................................................................
Press the NAME button to open the NAME display.
Use the CHAR > LCD button to position the underline cursor at the
character you want to change (registration names can be up to 12 charac-
ters in length). Use the data dial and/or the [–] and [+] buttons to select
the character you want to enter from the list in the center of the display,
then press the CHAR SET LCD button to enter the character at the cur-
rent cursor position. Repeat this procedure until the registration name is
complete. The BACK SPACE LCD button can be used to back up one
space and delete the preceding character.
When the name is complete, press OK to register the name for the
selected registration, or CANCEL to abort.
Using Registrations
➔ The REGISTRATION [NAME] page is displayed. The currently
selected bank is highlighted, as is the name of the registration
corresponding to the numbered button you pressed in step 1.
➔ The display returns to the main display.