donées MIDI / Formato de datos MIDI
1.2.17 Effect4 Depth ( Variation Effect Send Level )
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
94 Effect4 Depth 0...127
when Variation Connection = 1 (System)
Adjusts the variation effect send level. Not effective if “Variation Connection”
is set to 0 (Insertion).
1.2.18 Data Increment / Decrement (for RPN)
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
96 RPN Increment 0...127
97 RPN Decrement 0...127
The data byte has no meaning.
This message adds or subtracts 1 to/from the Pitchbend Sensitivity, Fine Tune,
and Coarse Tune MSBs. Note that the Increment (Decrement) message will not
change a setting that has already reached its maximum (minimum) value.
Incrementation or decrementation of the Fine Tune value never carries over to
the Coarse Tune value.
1.2.19 NRPN (Nonregistered parameter number)
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
98 RPN LSB 0...127
99 RPN MSB 0...127
First send the NPRN MSB and LSB to select the control parameter, then set
the value by Data Entry.
The following NRPN values are supported.
NRPN Data entry
MSBLSB MSB Parameter Data Range
$01 $08 $mm Vibrato Rate
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (-64 - 0 - +63)
$01 $09 $mm Vibrato Depth
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (-64 - 0 - +63)
$01 $0A $mm Vibrato Delay
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (-64 - 0 - +63)
$01 $20 $mm Filter Cutoff Freq.
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (-64 - 0 - +63)
$01 $21 $mm Filter Resonance
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (-64 - 0 - +63)
$01 $63 $mm EG Attack Time
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (-64 - 0 - +63)
$01 $64 $mm EG Decay Time
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (-64 - 0 - +63)
$01 $66 $mm EG Release Time
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (-64 - 0 - +63)
$14 $rr $mm Drum Filter Cutoff Freq.
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (-64 - 0 - +63)
rr : drum instrument note number
$15 $rr $mm Drum Filter Resonance
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (-64 - 0 - +63)
rr : drum instrument note number
$16 $rr $mm Drum EG Attack Rate
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (-64 - 0 - +63)
rr : drum instrument note number
$17 $rr $mm Drum EG Decay Rate
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (-64 - 0 - +63)
rr : drum instrument note number
(Effects both Decay 1 and Decay 2)
$18 $rr $mm Drum Instrument Pitch Coarse
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (-64 - 0 - +63)
rr : drum instrument note number
$19 $rr $mm Drum Instrument Pitch Fine
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (-64 - 0 - +63)
rr : drum instrument note number
$1A $rr $mm Drum Instrument Level
mm : $00 - $7F (0 to Max)
rr : drum instrument note number
$1C $rr $mm Drum Instrument Panpot
mm : $00, $01 - $40 - $7F (Random, L − C − R)
rr : drum instrument note number
$1D $rr $mm Drum Instrument Reverb Send Level
mm : $00 - $7F (0 to Max)
rr : drum instrument note number
$1E $rr $mm Drum Instrument Chorus Send Level
mm : $00 - $7F (0 to Max)
rr : drum instrument note number
$1F $rr $mm Drum Instrument Variation Send Level
mm : $00 - $7F (0 to Max)
rr : drum instrument note number
The LSB 14H-1FH (for drums) message will be accepted under the following
conditions, the channel must be set to the drum mode, and drum setups 1 or 2
must be set to that channel. (Default = drum setup 1.)
Note: The CVP 79A/69/69A/59S contain 3 drum setups (1 Preset Drum &
Drum Setup 1, 2). Preset Drum being the preset drum setup, its
parameters cannot be rewritten.
1.2.20 RPN (Registered parameter number)
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
100 RPN LSB 0...127
101 RPN MSB 0...127
Default:7F 7FH
The following parameters are supported.
NRPN Data entry
MSBLSB MSB Parameter Data Range
00H 00H mmH -- Pitchbend Sensitivity
mm: 00-0cH(0-12 semitones:1 octave)
Can be set up 1 octave, in semitone units.
Default: 02H
LSB is ignored.
00H 01H mmH 11H Fine Tuning
00H 02H mmH -- Course Tuning
mm:28H - 40H - 58H(-24-+24 semitones)
LSB is ignored.
7FH 7FH -- -- RPN Null
Clears current RPN and NRPN number settings. Does
not change internal parameter settings.
1.2.21 Channel Mode Messages
The following Channel Mode messages are supported. (But the actual mode is fixed to
Poly and can not be changed.)
2nd byte 3rd byte
120 0 All Sound Off
121 0 Reset All Controllers
123 0 All Notes Off
124 0 Omni Off
125 0 Omni On
126 0 ~ 16 Mono
127 0 Poly Sound Off
Switches off all sound from the channel. Does not reset Note On and Hold On
conditions established by Channel Messages. All Controllers
Resets controllers as follows.
Controller Value
Pitchbend change +-0 (center)
Modulation 0 (off)
Expression 127 (max)
Damper Pedal 0 (off)
Sostenuto 0 (off)
Soft Pedal 0 (off)
Portamento Control Resets portamento source note number
RPN Sets number to null. (Internal data remains unchanged.)
NRPN Sets number to null. (Internal data remains unchanged.)