This section explains the notation conventions that are used
throughout this manual.
■ Square brackets [ ] ............................................................................................
Square brackets enclose the names of panel buttons,
sliders, and connectors as they appear on your
Clavinova. For example, the DEMO button is expressed
as [DEMO] in this manual.
■ Bold characters ....................................................................................................
Bold type represents items shown in the LCD display, as well as the cor-
responding LCD buttons (i.e., the buttons directly below, or to the left or
right of, these items). For example, the phrase “Select RIGHT1 VOICE”
means that you should press the button directly below the “RIGHT1
VOICE” label at the bottom of the display.
■ Arrows in Operation Explanations ..................................................
Different types of arrows are used to distinguish the steps of an operation
from its results.
Operation steps
♥ ➾ ♣ …indicates that you should do ♥, then do ♣.
Operation results
♥ ➔ ♠ …indicates that doing ♥ results in ♠.
CHAPTER 1: Getting Ready
About This Manual