Internal Design of the CP5 & CP50
Left & Right Parts
[PWR-AMP] (CP5 only)
[RIGHT2] (CP5)
Song Setting Area
[MIC INPUT] (CP5 only)
Settings for All Parts
Settings for All Performances
24 CP5/CP50 Reference Manual
Resonance This parameter is used to set the resonance of the filter.
Reverb Delay This parameter is used to set the interval between early reflections and subsequent full
Reverb Time This parameter is used to set how long it takes for the reverb sound to fade to silence.
Room Size This parameter is used to set the size of the simulated room in which the instrument is
being played.
Rotor Speed Fast This parameter is used to set the speed of rotation of the low-frequency rotor at the “fast”
Rotor Speed Slow This parameter is used to set the speed of rotation of the low-frequency rotor at the
“slow” setting.
Rotor/Horn Balance This parameter is used to set the relative volumes of the high-frequency horn and the
low-frequency rotor.
S Sampling Freq.
This parameter is used to set the sampling frequency.
Sensitivity Dynamic Flanger, Dynamic Phaser, and Tech effects: This parameter is used to set how
sensitive the modulation is to changes in the input level.
VCM Touch Wah: This parameter is used to set how sensitive the wah filter is to changes
in the input level.
Slow-Fast Time of
This parameter is used to set how long it takes for the high-frequency horn to switch
between fast and slow rotation speeds.
Slow-Fast Time of
This parameter is used to set how long it takes for the low-frequency rotor to switch
between fast and slow rotation speeds.
Space Type This parameter is used to select the type of space simulation to be applied.
Speaker Type This parameter is used to select the type of speaker to be simulated.
Speed Control This parameter is used to set the rotation speed as “fast” or “slow”.
Spread This parameter is used to set how wide the effect's output sounds.
Stage This parameter is used to set the number of phase-shifter steps.
T Threshold This parameter is used to set the input-signal level at which the effect starts to process
the sound.
Ty pe This parameter is used to select a reflected-sound type.
V Vowel This parameter is used to select a vowel type.
W Wall Vary This parameter is used to specify the type of wall in the simulated room (with higher val-
ues producing more diffuse reflections).
Width This parameter is used to set the width of the simulated room.
Word Length This parameter is used to set the resolution of the distorted signal (i.e., how coarse the
output sounds).
On-screen name
(and full name)