CLP-811/611 Configuration Functions (FUNCTION mode)
F4.DualFunc. (Settings for DUAL mode.)
You use this function to set various parameters for
DUAL-mode play.
1 To access this function: first activate DUAL mode (by
pressing two voice selectors at the same time), then
press [FUNCTION], and then press [t] or [s] to
proceed to F4.
2 Next, press [+/YES] to enter the subfunction group.
Then use [t], [s] to move among the different
subfunctions, and [-/NO], [+/YES] to set the values.
If you are not working in DUAL mode...
The top right of the screen will display a triple
dash (---) and you will not be able to enter the
subfunction group. To enable entry, activate
DUAL mode by pressing two voice selectors at
the same time. (You can do this without leaving
4.1 D.Balance (Voice volume balance)
Settings: 0,...,20 [10 = equal balance]
[Above 10, Voice 1 is louder.]
Default: Varies according to voice combination
Sets the relative volumes for the two voices. This function is
useful when you want to highlight one voice while playing the
other as a backdrop.
4.2 D.Detune (Voice tuning divergence)
Introduces slight pitch difference between the two voices,
producing a somewhat fatter sound.
Values: -10,...,+10 [0: No detuning]
[0 → +10: Voice
1 pitch rises]
[0 → -10: Voice
2 pitch rises]
Default: Varies according to voice combination
4.3 Vc1.Octave (Octave shift for Voice #1)
4.4 Vc2.Octave (Octave shift for Voice #2)
Values: -1, 0, +1
Default: Varies according to voice combination
These subfunctions allow you to shift each voice up or down
an octave. Each combination produces its own distinctive
sound and acoustics.
4.5 Vc1.EffDpt (Effect depth for Voice #1)
4.6 Vc2.EffDpt (Effect depth for Voice #2)
Values: 0,...,20
Default: Varies according to voice combination
These subfunctions allow you to set the depth for each voice’s
effect. Setting is not available if the effect is set OFF. Note that
you cannot change a voice’s effect selection while working in
FUNCTION mode; you must first return to normal mode.
1” is identified by the first (left-side)
voice name on the screen. For information about
how the Clavinova selects the voice order, see
page 17.
4.7 Str.Atk (Attack speed for STRINGS voice)
Values: SLOW, FAST
Default: FAST
Sets the attack speed (the initial rise speed) for the STRINGS
voice. A SLOW attack can create an interesting ambience for
certain types of songs. (Note that this setting is effective only if
STRINGS is selected as one of the voices.)
4.8 ResetOK? (Return to factory defaults.)
Press [+/YES] to return all of the DUAL-mode subfunction
settings to the factory defaults. (Factory defaults are different
for each voice combination.)
As a shortcut, you can switch directly into
FUNCTION mode’s F4.DualFunc. area by
holding down the two appropriate voice selectors
and pressing [FUNCTION]. Once you have
changed the settings, press [FUNCTION] again
to quit the mode.
F5.SplitFunc. (Settings for SPLIT mode.)
You use this function to set various parameters for
SPLIT-mode play.
1 To access this function: first enter SPLIT mode, then
press [FUNCTION], and then press [t] or [s] to
proceed to F5.
2 Next, press [+/YES] to enter the subfunction group.
Then use [t], [s] to move among the different
subfunctions, and [-/NO], [-/YES] to set the values.
If you are not working in SPLIT mode when you
enter the main F5 screen...
The top right of the screen will display a triple
dash (---) and you will not be able to enter the
subfunction group. To enable entry, you must first
quit FUNCTION mode and press the [SPLIT]
5.1 SplitPoint (Split point)
Values: Any key on keyboard
Default: F
Selects the split point. The selected key becomes the top note
of the left zone.
• Once you are at this screen, you can select the split point
simply by pressing the appropriate key.
• To set the split point without entering FUNCTION mode:
Hold down [SPLIT] and press the appropriate key, see page