By and large, the CBX-K2 is very easy to use and this manual is self-explanatory. However, we strongly recommend that you
take time to read the manual — especially before trying some of the more sophisticated MIDI functions. Read through all of
the initial sections first, then go on to the “Guided Tour” to set up your CBX-K2, learn how to use its various functions, and
try out some of the practical application examples to help you become more familiar with its operations. For those who need
to delve deeper, the “Reference” section provides at-a-glance information and important details on all functions.
The following conventions are used throughout this manual:
* Panel buttons and controls are indicated as they appear on the actual instrument. (For example, C and
* The functions and features assigned to the keyboard are shown like this: T and { .
* Unless indicated otherwise, L refers to either of the ENTER keys, J or K. However,
when you wish to enter a decimal value, make sure to press K . Likewise, when entering a hexadecimal
number, make sure to press J.
* Actual MIDI data messages (in hexadecimal) are indicated as follows: <<FE>> and <<En 00 40>>, etc.
* Operation steps are indicated as follows:
How to Use This Manual
Example Actual Operation
C + E While holding down the C button, press E (D1).
C + U → L While holding down the C button, first press U (Fm1), then
press L (either J or K).