CLP-380 Owner’s Manual
The USB storage device is not
recognized by the instrument.
The USB storage device may not be
recognized by the instrument
depending on the timing of the
device connection or the setting of
the [SELECT] switch.
Disconnect the USB storage device
and connect it again and select a
device using the [SELECT] switch.
To view the data of the USB storage
device on the CLP display, press the
[SONG SELECT] button to engage
song selection mode or press the
engage file/song setting mode. If
you try to engage these modes
before connecting the USB storage
device, press the [EXIT] button to
exit the mode and re-engage the
mode. If the device is still not
recognized, it may not be supported
by Yamaha. Only use devices
supported by Yamaha (page 122).
The USB storage device has hung
up (stopped).
The USB storage device is not
compatible with the instrument.
Only use devices whose
compatibility has been confirmed by
Yamaha (page 122).
The USB storage device does not
operate properly.
Disconnect the device and connect
it to the instrument again.
The folder name does not change. A maximum of 13 characters from a
folder name can be displayed.
Therefore, if several folders have the
same 13 characters at the start of
their names, it will appear that they
do not change when the C [–][+]
buttons are pressed.
Shorten long folder names on your
computer before using them.
Problem Cause Solution