● Assigning parameters to the unit’s control knobs
Parameters that are controlled by the unit’s control knobs during normal operation are as-
signed to the control knobs in the upper portion of the parameter page display (shown below:
the page before 01/??). Select the parameter for the knob by rotating the knob.
* For more information on individual parameters, refer to the separate “Effect List” sheet.
Create your own sound
Parameter Name
● Changing the Effect Type
Pressing the ON/OFF switch when the Deep Edit icon is displayed accesses the Effect Type
Select display shown below.
Use the +/– switches to select the effect type.
* When the effect type is changed, any data that has been edited will be cleared and default values for
the new effect type will be set.
* For more information on individual parameters, refer to the separate “Effect List” sheet.
After selecting the effect type, press the [STORE/EXIT] button to return to the display for
setting parameters and assigning parameters to the unit’s control knobs.
23rd effect type out of a total of
64 effect types
Effect Type
t When you are finished editing, save your data in the MAGICSTOMP at this point.
At this point, pressing the [STORE/EXIT] button is the same as pressing the [STORE/EXIT]
button in procedure q of the Store Operation (→ page 18). From here you can follow the
remaining steps in the Store Operation.
* To return the data to its original condition, cancel the Store Operation at this point then select another patch.
The same type of deep editing can be performed with a computer using the “Sound
Editor for MAGICSTOMP” application that is included in the accompanying CD-
ROM. The “Sound Editor for MAGICSTOMP” lets you access additional patches
provided in the patch library that is included on the supplied CD-ROM, and lets you
save your original patches on your computer. (→ page 26)